226.You're a psycho

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Suho drove Jungkook to the rugged alley while Jackson was also on his way to the site and ordered his men to reach the location.

His men will reach the location soon and will start the search for Lisa.

After a while, Jungkook and Suho reached the location and Jungkook got off the car when he looked at his surroundings.

The area was isolated and full of abandoned buildings and weird smells which makes people cover their nose in disgust.

He furrowed his brows and murmured, "Where are you, Lisa? You're Jungkook is here." his dim eyes looked at the dark and isolated surroundings which give goosebumps to people.

He tried to walk around and see if he could find anything. There are many abandoned buildings in this area and was hard to find where Lisa could be.

He was walking around to see if he could find anything when his gaze landed on the thing which was in the corner of the alley.

He went to the corner and looked carefully at the thing and his eyes grew in shock when he found that it was Lisa's heels.

His eyes darkened seeing her shoe and it confirmed that this was the same place where Lisa has been kept.

His heart started to beat faster and walked to the building from where her shoe was found.

Suho panicked when he saw Jungkook entering the building and shouted, "Sir, you shouldn't go in. Mr. Wang has told us not to go there alone."

But Jungkook didn't listen to his words and walked to the place.

Before Jungkook could enter the building a sports car came there at full speed and stopped near Jungkook.

Suho's heart almost came in his hand because he was shocked and startled when the car passed by him at full speed.

As he was about to calm down, three black colored vans followed and passed by Suho making him jump in fear.

'Are they in a racing track or what?' he placed his hand on his heart to calm down.

It was the Jackson's men that he has called for help. Having more people will help their search.

Jungkook didn't move his eyes and saw Jackson stepping out of the car and looked at Jungkook in disdain, "I told you to not go in without me. But you just don't listen."

"I don't care. I just can't worry about my safety and stand here in the ceremony when my wife is in danger and I don't even know where she is. Can I still worry about me in this situation? Do you think I like this side of me?" Jungkook spoke frustratingly.

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at him and showed him Lisa's shoe, "I found this shoe in front of this building. It's Lisa's shoe that she has worn in the morning. She must be inside. We must save her. "

When Jackson heard the anxious and trembling voice of Jungkook his heart softened.

It was the first time he has seen this man who was cold and emotionless like iron and never seen him this emotional and anxious.

Love really does wonders.

Jackson sighed and didn't say anything after that. He took the shoe from Jungkook's hands and watched it intently.

Before he could say anything, they heard a shrieking voice of a woman from the building which was on the far end of the alley.

Both Jungkook and Jackson looked at each other and turned their gaze towards from where the voice came and ran there.

Lisa punched the man in the face and stood up to go out seeing that the door was unlocked. A ray of hope emerged in her heart.

She wanted to run and get out of this suffocating building but when she tried to run there, the man held onto her right leg and stabbed an injection on her leg.

"Ahhh" She cried out in pain as he ruthlessly stabbed it in her leg. Due to the force, even her leg started to bleed a little because the strength was too much that he has used to stab her.

Lisa fell on the floor on her face and her body felt like it was on fire. Her whole body trembled in pain.

She felt her vision blurry and went unconscious right at the moment.

The man got up and snorted, "You dared to be smart with me? I have dealt with many stubborn girls like you. You just wear short skirts and revealing clothes to gain the man's attention and then shows that you don't need our attention."

"You're nothing but just a wh*re. Don't worry. I will give you all the attention you want and f*ck you till you die. Moreover, this poison will slowly kill you in 24 hours. And till then I will play with you."

"But too bad that now you're unconscious. It would have been fun if you were in your senses. But it's okay. I will enjoy and you can just sleep." he smirked when he turned Lisa's body and laid her on her back.

He bent down to open the buttons of her blouse. Her blouse of pink color but she was wearing a pink colored spaghetti strap top beneath the blouse because the blouse was a little transparent.

When he opened the top buttons of her blouse, her milky white collarbone came into his sight. His eyes lit up with stars and hurriedly start open other buttons.

He frowned when he saw another layer of clothing under her blouse. He was already getting annoyed with the buttons on the blouse so he tore the blouse in one go.

Her bare shoulders came into his sight and couldn't wait anymore so he bent down to taste her soft milky skin but before his disgusting lips touch her collarbone, the door of the storage room kicked opened with a "Bang".

The door was not locked but it was shut. So when it opened with a loud sound, he frowned and looked up to see two men standing at the door.

Jungkook's eyes darkened when he saw a large build man with his disgusting eyes which were looking Lisa's body was over her top and her blouse has been torn aside.

When his eyes landed on Lisa whose eyes were closed, he frowned and then glared at the man with his piercing gaze and the intent to kill the man.

Jackson who was beside me was also stunned to see this scene.

They came running when they heard Lisa's voice earlier. The area was secluded and empty for so long, that's why the voice echoed and they could hear her yell and found her.

Otherwise, it would have been too late if they had come a minute late.

Jungkook didn't wait for anything and walked towards the man in large strides and kicked him with force on his stomach and pushing him aside from Lisa.

The man was stunned because it was the first time that he couldn't taste the meat that he had prepared for himself. Not only that these two-man came before he could taste the girl.

"How dare you to come here? I will not leave you."

He gritted his teeth in anger and went to stab Jungkook with a small knife in his back pocket. But before his knife could touch Jungkook, Jackson reached him and kick him on the side.

The man was nothing stronger and was weak when he saw Jackson and Jungkook, "Who do you think you are. Hah?" Jackson throw the man on the floor and grabbed his jaw tightly.

The man gritted his teeth and said, " Leave her alone. You can go but she can't. She is a wh*re who deserves this." Jackson landed another punch on his face when he heard his disgusting words.

"You're a psycho. Do you even know in which situation you're in? How dare you order me?"

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