291.Who does she thinks she is?

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Yuju stared at Lalisa in fear as she heard her order.

'How can she strip her of her position as kitchen staff? What authority does she have? Who does she think she is?' hearing Lalisa's words, Yuju was fuming in anger.

While other maids just stared at Lalisa in disbelief. They have never seen this kind of strong aura from Lalisa.

Earlier, she seems to be weak because Sandara always subsides her opinion and never treated her as the Empress.

If Empress Dowager never treated her as the Empress than others in the palace never considered her the same as well.

Their audacity and arrogant behavior was encouraged by Sandara and Eunbi behind the scenes.

Of course, it was Lalisa's fault as well because she never fought back to Sandara and always tried to understand and kept quiet just because she was her mother in law.

Old Lalisa thinks that it will be wrong for her to sow discord between a son and mother if she complained to Jeongguk about Sandara.

But her thoughtfulness was taken for granted by Eunbi and Sandara.

When Jeongguk was not in the palace and went on some wars or expeditions, they took it as their chance to suppress Lalisa.

The main purpose of them doing all this is just to remove her from the position of an Empress because Sandara wanted Eunbi to be the Empress and next Empress Dowager when she gives birth to their heir.

However, they can't do it directly. They used different methods to humiliate Lalisa and Eunbi used Sandara's dislike and hatred towards Lalisa as her weapon to remove her from the position.

She did all sorts of tricks on Lalisa to remove her from the position. She tried everything to not let Jeongguk spend time with Lalisa by using Sandara as her weapon, because if that happens, and she becomes pregnant, then her schemes will be of no use.

After Lalisa becomes pregnant, Eunbi was sure that Sandara will forget everything and just care about her heir.

But she cannot let this happen. So she did everything in her power to separate Jeongguk and Lalisa from each other.

She even planned the scandal of Lalisa having an affair with her bodyguard which created a big mess and led Lalisa losing her life.

Yuju felt wronged when Lalisa said to remove her from her position and transfer to the lotus pavilion.

She clenched her fists tightly and shouted, "What are you doing? How can you do this to me? You have no authority to do this to me. You can't do this."

"I will not go anywhere. I will remain here and I see who has the guts to remove me from my position. Until Consort Eunbi arrives and asks me to go to lotus pavilion herself, till then I won't go anywhere. " she said stubbornly as she sat on the ground with her legs folded.

Lalisa saw Yuju behaving stubbornly. She was laughing at her mindset.

'This girl is naive. She is holding onto something which will not wait to throw her away.' she scoffed lightly.

"You're really stubborn, hm?"

Lalisa watched Yuju creating a scene by crying and sobbing like an abandoned child which was opposite from her arrogant and rude behavior earlier.

All the maids there were also shocked when they witness this scene. Yuju was speaking ill about the Empress also started behaving rudely to her.

But now she suddenly started crying and sobbing like she has been wronged.

Lalisa frowned when crying and piercing loud cries were giving her headache.

She knows why this Yuju was behaving like this. It was to gather the crowd so that someone can go and call Eunbi out.

Because if Lalisa stood there then she will not let anyone call Eunbi and if she was assigned to lotus pavilion and were given the batch to work there, then even Eunbi will not able to do anything as well.

So she has to see Eunbi before she will get that service batch.

These were the few things that Lalisa has learned from Minnie in these past days. Every day she tries to know about the palace system and rules.

Because she can't deny the fact that she needs to meet new people and has to live here until she gets the answer to her questions and gets to return to her world as well.

She is trying to learn the basics to adjust to this place. While coming to the kitchen, she tried to know about its system and found out about the status of the kitchen servants among the normal servants.

Like Emperor's guards has authority in the palace, just like this, the kitchen staff has the same status in the harem among servants. They are special because they do not have any particular master and were responsible to prepare meals for royalty.

As Yuju was busy creating a scene and was crying loudly, a maid who was loyal Eunbi saw all this drama and ran towards her chamber.

She knew that Yuju was Eunbi's person and wanted to inform her as soon as possible.

Because doing this, Lalisa was technically calling for an open war. She was deliberately creating trouble by punishing Eunbi's person.

Whereas in the kitchen, Lalisa was standing with her hands folded around the chest and was looking at Yuju in frustration.

"Hey. Stop your nonsense and get up. Otherwise, I had to use force to make you get up and throw out of this kitchen." she said in annoyance. She felt like her patience was losing as people were gathering outside the kitchen.

"Don't think that by doing this, you can be saved. When I have ordered to remove you out of your position than I don't think that anyone can save you. So you better stop all this drama and get going. "

"Because as you said earlier, there is so much work to be done. The other girls need to prepare for the feast for tonight. So let's not create trouble and go quietly. Otherwise, I had to think of another way to deal with you. " she said firmly.

Yuju shut up for a moment when she heard Lalisa's words. She was now feeling afraid because Lalisa's attitude was too cold and indifferent.

She felt that Lalisa standing in front of her was different and does not behave like the previous Lalisa who was easy to trick and was submissive.

She knows that she has lost her memories after getting up from the coma, but her behavior was too different.

She was creating trouble for her and also does not afraid to provoke anyone.

This was so unlike Lalisa who was careful and does not like to create troubles for herself in the past. But this Lalisa does not stop showing off her title and also does not care about anyone's opinion about her.

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