252.Just.. Give me one last chance to make up to you

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Jeongguk who was gazing at her beautiful orbit like eyes was caught off guard when she suddenly bent down her head a little and kissed his Adam apple on his neck.

He felt shivers from her actions and his body felt like it was placed on the heater. His hand behind her back trembled a little as she suddenly kissed his neck.

When her rose plump moist lips touched his skin it made him shiver and the feeling was very sensual and different.

The more surprising thing was the look in her eyes. He has never seen this kind of look in her eyes. At this moment, she seems like another person.

Though he never has spent much time with her, however, it was the very first time that he has seen this kind of glint in her eyes.

He was surprised when she suddenly kissed his Adam apple and when he felt her scorching breath on his neck, he stopped moving his Adam apple and held his breath.

He became so nervous that he held his breath and his mouth was slightly open in disbelief.

Lalisa was also surprised when she suddenly kissed him but when her lips touched his neck, she could feel his skin which was slightly rough and manly.

She was also shocked by her actions. The realization hit her hard when she could feel the heat emanating from his body and she abruptly stood up to get off the bed.

Jeongguk: " -_-"

In that process, she almost fell off the bed however she didn't let him hold her again and swiftly got off the bed.

Jeongguk who was nervous and was about to tighten his hold around her waist was surprised when she suddenly shook his hand away and got off the bed.

Everything happened so quickly that he didn't get the time to react and she swiftly got off the bed and turned her back against him.

Lalisa turned around her back to him when she got off as she was too embarrassed to face him now. Her face has turned scarlet red and her hands were trembling.

Her face was burning because of her rash actions and she closed her eyes in embarrassment when she remembered how she kissed him on his Adam apple.

Kissing a man on his neck for the first time seems more bold and weird than kissing him on the lips.

It would not be much issue if she has kissed him on his lips at that time because the mood was perfect for it but she kissed his Adam apple.

The neck was a very sensitive part of a human body and the senses become stronger especially towards any sensual act.

When she kissed his neck, she could feel his body getting hot and the little thing which was poking the side of her waist.

Though she didn't get to see it herself, however, she could guess what it could be. That's why she abruptly got off the bed without looking at him before things got heated.

If things went forward and she wouldn't be able to stop this because it was her who started all this. That's why she stopped it before it turned into an R-rated movie.

She came here not to live here permanently and she wanted to know why and how she came here so that she can go back to her world.

She does not want to live in a place that was full of hatred and hypocrite people. Though she would miss a few people like Minnie who supported her every time and her nagging.

Feng Ju who always respected her and always did what she asked to do. Those two little girls whom Jeongguk appointed them as her maids and they were very cute and polite to her.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now