258.I will go there

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After the kiss when they parted Jungkook stood up from the ground with a proud look on his face and a bright smile has been plastered on his lips. He looked at her shy behavior and the way she was trying to avoid eye contact with him.

He was very happy that she initiated the kiss and it was sweet and good. It's been almost a week that they had kissed and after waiting for so long, he was satisfied with it.

Now he doesn't even care about their argument before. Because there is no need for him to feel jealous from others because they can only look at her from afar but he can take this girl in his embrace and kiss her passionately.

He was very lucky that he got a girl who was not only beautiful but also intelligent and interesting.

He never knew before that kissing could be so addictive and sweet. He was a v.i.r.g.i.n for his whole life and never had an intimate relationship with a girl before because he was not interested in all these things and does not want to waste his time on this stupid stuff.

However, since the day he had first kiss her, he couldn't stay calm without kissing her. Her plump rosy lips always calls him as if wanting him to eat them all.

It's getting very hard for him to control his emotions and feelings. He not only wants to kiss her but also wants to go further as well.

But the situation was not right as they need the doctor's permission before doing this, because she was currently on medications and need nourishment to recuperate her body.

The doctor has strictly forbidden any strenuous activity and told them to not do anything at least for some time. He has understood where he was pointing at.

Jungkook looked at shy Lisa and wanted to tell her to look at him at that moment, her phone rang.

He looked at the phone on the coffee table. Before Lisa could stretch her hands to pick it, Jungkook acted fast and passed her the phone.

Lisa saw the number on the screen and it was Seulgi.

She looked at Jungkook for a second before swiping right on the phone.

"Hello." Lisa picked up the phone as she sat properly on the sofa.

Seeing her busy on the phone, Jungkook went to the wardrobe to get his clothes as he wants to take a shower. In the last week, he has shifted his stuff from room to here.

He does not mind to change rooms and sleep in her room. He just wanted to be together wherever they live.

Lisa was habitual sleeping in this room, so he does not want to make her feel uncomfortable by shifting to his room.

Though his room was bigger and spacious than this one. But he doesn't mind as long as she is beside him.

He loves the feeling when he saw her waking up in his arms. In the last week, he was fascinated when he sees her early in the morning wrapped in his embrace.

He felt complete with her in his embrace. Her jade white skin glows under the morning light from the sun whenever she wakes up in the morning. Her hazy eyes makes him crazy and wanting for more.

But he was controlling himself and had to count the number of sheep around 1000 times before sleeping. That sensation was too overbearing when he felt her uniform breathing on his neck.

Her scorching breath makes every hair rise on his body. He felt hotter and on the edge. In the last week, his self-control has increased a lot. He always has to control his urge to flip her over and kissed her passionately until their bodies were tangling with each other.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now