Speak brother

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Scrubs belongs to bill lawrence and has probably accompanied me through my years in school with rewatching the seasons multiple times. Truly gems like this are simply not made anymore with the last good show of the era being "how i met your mother". Truly a loss for following generations because that and anime brought me through school(and probably taught me more for life then school ever could but pssssh don't tell this your teachers). Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth

"We are now looking at a few words from a few doctors. Watts if you don't want to listen you can go." said Knight while opening a portal. "And missing probably a few pieces of knowledge. Never." said Watts while sitting there. "Then i will be here too." said Piedro. 

"Ok suit yourself. Food and drinks are behind the bar. Anyway to give context here A patient who should correct her eating behavior to get healthy choose the easy way through surgery. The surgent, Turk, himself has a few problems with his wive whose mother died and want everything to be easier and here is Bob Kelso with his advice. It really is more of an advice for live in generell then a specific situation. So especially good for the young ones." said Knight with everyone looking at the screen.

"Then it happened." you could here Jd thinking and then the door was kicked down. In came Bob Kelso with an cool slow walk. "Sir the door was open." said Turk confused. "I know i just love doing that." said Kelso.

"He is the one who gives the advice. Dear lord he looks old enough to be senile." said Watts. "Caution watts with age comes wisdom." said Salem while stroaking a beard made of Grimm matter before it disappered. "My lady with all dear respect he just kicked in an open door and from how he said it he did that on multiple occasions in a hospital." rebucked Watts. "Everyone has some quirks watts." said Salem while thinking of her being an author for hentai and romace storys.

"I don't believe he has something usefull to say." said Yang. "I don't know Yang. Knight said he has some life advise so maybe he is saying somthing nice." said Ruby. "Really he is like a child. For example he just kicked an open door down in an hospital while saying he already did that multiple times so i say he is senile." said weiss.

"What now grandpa?" said the patient. "You are gonna shut your damn yapper and listen for a change because i got you pegged sweatheart. You wanna take the easy way out with this surgery because you are scared. And you are scared because if you have tried and failed there is only you to blame. But missy, let me break this down for you bobo style." said Kelso up close and personal.

"Now he is probably saying how you should try and if you still lose it is better then having not tried at all and the whole yadda yadda. Really it is a good advice but a bit overused." said Jaune.  "You are probably correct. He is probably on the whole trying and losing is better then not trying with the same result." said Raven. "I don't know something about him is different about the normal old man." said Summer.

"Life is scary. Get used to it."

"This came... unexspected." said Ren surprised. "I did not exspect that." said Ozpin while something in him resonated with this. And then he remembered all the thing he has not done because he was to scared and took the easy route instead. "Maybe i should be a bit more brave in this." thought Ozpin while thinking of what changes being a bit braver would have brought.

"And then it seemed  Doctor Kelso wasn't only talking to her." thought Jd "There are no magical fixes. It's all up to you. So get up of your kiester and get out of here and go start doing your work." said Kelso. "But what if it is to hard?" asked the patient. "What if it's to hard?" asked Turk. "turketon i have no idea why you are chiming in but i say this to both of you." said Kelso serious.

"Everyone was leaning forward in enticipation of what he is going to say, even the ones who said that he is going senile.

"Nothing in this world thats worth having comes easy."  said Kelso while leaning forward. (that advice is for you to reader) " I gotta go." said Turk and then goes out of the room.

"What is he doing?" asked Salem. "Taking this advice and saving his relationship." said Knight with the next scene being shown on a grave yard.

"Ok here it goes." said Carla while breathing in before the grave of her mother. "hoho this is so weird. I really don't know what to say." said Carla.

"It gets easier after a few times." said Yang with Ruby agreeing. It saddened Summer that they had to go through this and decided to be there for them from now on. For now and forever.

"So i haven't visited much i am kinda busy. Thats not true why am lieing to slab of granit. I just know i could have really used you around this weak. I miss you" said Carla tearfully at end. "Can you tell her i miss her too. You know what never mind. Because she wouldn't believe you." said Turk making Carla laught. The screen went black.

"That was.. deep." said Weiss. "But he was right. His advice is valuable. This world is truly scary children. But if you are stopped by this you are not cut out for being hunters and huntresses." said Glynda with the children agreeing.

"Do you have one?" asked Ruby. "What?" asked Knight perplexed. "Do you have an advice? For life i mean." said Ruby. Knight thought about it for a moment and then said: "There is no good. There is no evil. From someones standpoint you are always evil because it is based from someones standpoint that you are judged from something as "evil". So i say: Fuck everyones opinion except your own. If you want to change something do it. No one is gonna do it for you. In some cases you just have to do it. It does not even matter how long it takes all you have to do it is leave everything a bit better then before and you are happy at the end its fine."

"I certainly see the appeal in your thinking but. It does not cover what would happen if you fail." said Blake while thinking of the white fang. "Thats good. Modern society discourages from failure to much.(looking at weiss) So if you fail that means you can learn. You fail and learn. What i understood from fighting is that if you fail you know what mistakes you have made fix them and try again. If you fail again then good. Fix those mistakes and try again." said Knight and turned on the next video.

Sorry the chapter was to short so i put my own advise in. If you are against it then you can give me your opnion if you want. Next is the emu war. Can someone tell me why everyone is wanting this. I have researched the facts but i have on idea why. You can give your own advise if you want to.

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