To bright screens

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I don't own Rwby. And this is only a small intermission chapter to the next one while being leaned on the video above. Well have fun.

"New outfit?" asked Raven. "Well you can't wear the evil queen look all the time." said Salem

(I don't own the picture)

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(I don't own the picture)

"She is just bumped out that she doesn't have the monopol on the "evil sexy queen look" anymore because she has to compete with every other evil queen here. So she decided to change it up once in a while." said Knight. "Oi. Fuck you." said Salem. "Well anyway when are you going to show us what happened to my little girl?" said Summer.

"Well i only got permission to show you the first layer of the singularity Ruby was part of in clearing. So here it is." said Knight and turned on the screen which did a startup sequence after an update.

"Welcome to New Screen!" was written black on write on it. The bad thing is it reseted the brightness settings.

"AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!" shouted everyone while they eyes burned out when they saw the screen shining with the strengh of a thousand suns. 

"MY EYES!" shouted Blake, wishing that her ability to see in the dark would stop existing for a moment.

"I AM BLIND!" shouted Yang.

"Where is the remote? WHERE IS THE REMOTE!?" shouted Weiss while she was half blind and grabbing around for the remote which she remembered was somewhere near her seat on a table.

Knight simply pulled out a steel shield as cover for his eyes while Ruby pulled her hood down. Both had earmuffs on. 

Qrow simply accepted his fate as he suspeceted that this was one of the times his semblance was acting off. He opened his arms and simply accepted the temporary blindness.

jaune and Pyrrha had forgotten their shields while the entirety of Jnpr tried to block the light with their hands.

"Noooooooooooo!" shouted most of them while Penny simply turned down the brightness settings of her eyes.

One could hear a loud sound of it starting up before a quick flash of lightning happened and someone tumbled out. It was Yang with a suntan followed by Blake and Weiss also suntaned while Ruby came out of it still completely pale because every inch of her skin was covered by her cloak.

"Well... How long until the blindness stops!" shouted Yang while tumbling out of the room and half deaf because the sound system put the sound on maximum everytime it reset. "I don't know!" shouted Blake who was grabbing something hairy. Slowly but surely her hearing and her sight came back because her aura did over time on the repairs.

"Hey Blake. say hello to Miss O'leary." said Percy while three child servants were ridding on her. Blake turned around and saw that it was a giant black dog who promptly licked her face. "A dog?" asked Blake. "Hell hound to be precise." said Percy. "Great." said Blake before she fell unconcious for fear.

"Well that didn't went out as planned." said Yang. "Yang that is "touch touch touch" a wall." said Weiss still blind but with a nice tan in her face. 

"Well. Don't you love it when you have screen with a build in blinding grenade. Good that i figured out how to integrate the tanning option." said Salem to Ozpin. "WHAT!?" shouted Ozpin blind and deaf. "Oh this gonna be fun." said Salem getting ready to see reference material for her next book. She already warmed up the grimm tentacles.

"Well guys. It seems like we are repeating this tomorrow. And hopefully we DON'T get tanned and blinded then." said Knight. "WHAT?" shouted all those with a lost hearing. "Aaaaaaaaah... Gods be damned." said Knight

Yep the most probably shortest chapter in the story. Well have fun. The next chapters of this story will be quite big. And if you are asking your self where Mr Shadow was, he had to follow a surfer. There was even a foto of him with his emergency scythe.

 There was even a foto of him with his emergency scythe

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(i don't own this frankly ridiculous picture)

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