It's hero time!

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Well. Consider me flabbergasted and bamboozled for most of you have really good taste. I don't own Ben Ten in any way, shape or form. I also don't own Rwby.

Maybe i even make a second chapter with Ben Ten. (Ps. I am huge Heat blast, Diamond head, way big and alien x fan. Especially Heatblast from the first season was so damn cool. What alien did you like most?)

"Well. Time for the next thing. We are watching someone with power to transform into aliens. Basicly he has a watch which has samples of millions of different species and he can transform into those. He had that thing since he was, what ten? Well around that age. Anyway, With that he went on numerous adventures and saved the galaxy again and again." said Knight.

"That is inresponsible." said Glynda. "That is so cool." said Ruby. "Shouldn't an adult have that weapon then." said Weiss. "That is explained later. Anyway. Lets watch Ben Tennyson" said Knight and turned on the screen.

(skipping the first ten seconds for they are only the person who made that thing)

The first thing that can be seen was the young Ben Tennyson. Then he was seen using the omnitrix for the first time before the green light appeared and it was changed to another scene where he was way older and without the omnitrix.

"So that is Ben. Cute little fella." said Yang. "And that thing on his wrist is the omnitrix i assume." said Watts. "Yep. A weapon capable of transforming you into millions of different aliens all gathered in a device not bigger then a watch." said Knight. "Is it really ok for a child to have that much power?" asked Glynda. "Well. Their world is still standing and they don't have an evil omnipotent dictator sitting on the throne, so all went well." said Knight.

"The omnitrix wasn't intended for you. It was intended for your grand father. The greatest plumber in the milky way galaxy." said Azmuth before one could see what Bens grandpa could do.

"Yes. That would be the correct choice." said Watts. "That is no plumber. Don't they all have wrenches and wear a blue overalll." said Ruby. "What are you thinking about is the plumber who fixes your toilet. That here is more a plumber for intergalactic bullshitery happening." said Knight. "So like a secret organisation which keeps the world from being over run by aliens?" asked Nora excited. "Yep. Well that and diplomacy and other stuff. But yeah that is also in there somewhere." said Knight.

"Why didn't you take it from me?" asked Ben while Azmuth could be seen deconstrcuting the omnitrix. "I inteneded to but your grand father convinced me you were a better choice." said Azmuth while Ben as Fourarms could be seen fighting with a evil looking mammoth. "I thought i made a huge mistake." said Azmuth which turned Bens grin into a sad face. "Your brashness and immaturity made a bad impression." said Azmuth while Ben could be seen being pridefull and brash infront of his cousin from the present and the future.

"Well considering that he is around ten it is espected that he is brash and immature." said Winter. "But why would his grand father convince a genius to let his ten year old grand child keep a weapon of mass destruction? That is senseless." said Watts. "Maybe he knows something more anout Ben." said Summer. "That is alot to stage on a maybe." said Raven. "Well think about it. His grand father is there. He saved the world x amount of times and he lives. That has to count for something." said Ruby. "Well when you put it that way it does make sense." said Weiss.

"Then i saw you grow. Witnessed your bravery and ingenuity. Using the ominitrix in ways that never even occured to me." said Azmuth while one could see Ben infront of vilgax and Kevin levin holding the omnitix up high. One could also see feedback before it changed to a Ben in his teens holding up a modified version of the omnitrix to save the high breed elders by fixing their genetic code.

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