Slight headaches and Speeches.

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Sorry i have slight headaches so this will be not a normal reaction chapter. But i still want to bring out content. So to lessen the headaches i choose speeches. No shiny rapidly changing pictures. Just speech. I simply type of the screen type in the reaction and fine. God this headache is killing me. Does anyone has a repice against headaches. So please don't exspect something like a masterpiece. Also i have put a nice song above if you need some music in your life. Actually i use music to lessen the headache to get something readable out.

"So what are we doing now?" asked Penny. Ruby was again gone but this time with Yang. Knight knows that they are somewhere in the building but he does not know where. "Well we are reacting to speeches as soon as Ruby and Yang are..." answered Knight with them suddenly storming throught the doors. "Sorry that we are late. Did we miss anything?" asked Ruby out of breath because she dragged Yang all the way back to the theater with. Yang meanwhile pucked in a bucket because of Rubys semblance. "Well we will be watching speeches to not overload the monitor and slowly warm him to the right temparature. But before that." said Knight. 

Knight snapped with his fingers and the professor Arthur Watts fell through a trap door on a seat behind Pietro. "Oh bollocks could you have at least giving me a landing kushion." shouted Watts at the trap door. A landing kushion fell then directly on his face. "Thank you." grumbeled the disgraced scientist. "Arthur is that you? I thought you died." said Piedro to Arthur. "Well obviously not. I faked my death because Salem was the only one who understood my potential. By the way why are we here my lady and who is that bafoon?" asked Watts while looking at Knight. "Well we are here to react to speeches this time it seems. And watch before you speak. He is a friend of mine. And you better remember that Watts." said Salem coldly.

"Well then lets go. This one is from Mayuri kurotsuchi after he has beaten a scientist who considered himself the perfect being." said Knight and startet the speeches.

(Bleach belongs to tite Kubo and Studio Pierrot)

"The perfect being you said? Well, i have to tell you the honest truth as i see it...

"hm perfection. That would mean he has reached the end goal for every scientist." said Watts. "I don't know there is always something better." said Piedro. "But that would then mean there is nothing better then that." said Watts while thinking in horror what would happen if he had a perfected something to its utmost and could not perfect it anymore. He would have been out of his job.

In this world nothing perfect exists. It may be a cliche after all but it is the way things are. Thats precisely why ordinary men pursue the concept of perfection. Its infatuation.

"Yeah it may be, probably true" said Weiss while thinking of her persuits to be perfect at the beginning of the year.

"Preposterous. There has to be something perfect. Because if not the whole concept of perfection would be useless and it would be a paradox." said Watts. "I don't know. It is the case that something perfect simply does not exist. Everything has a good and a bad side." said Piedro.

"Miss Goodwitch because perfection does not exist does not mean we have to..." began Yang. "No Miss Xiao long. Just because perfection does not exist does not mean you can just slack off in one class to get better in another." said Goodwitch with Yang slumping back into her seat. "What does infatuated mean?" asked Ruby Blake. "It means to have a strong and unreasonable attachment to something." Blake answered

"He is right in that point." said Qrow with Raven and Summer nodding.

But ultimately i have to ask myself what is the true meaning of being perfect? And the answer i came up with was...

Everyone was waiting for his answer.

Nothing! Not one thing.

"Say what now?" asked Watts while trying to process what he has just heard.

Meanwhile Ozpin was in an equal existencial crisis because the gods said he should make a perfect world. Because if the meaning of perfection were non existent the possibility of creating soemthing truely perfect would be equaly not there because it would be without meaning and therefore not perfect. And all the blood he spilled would be equaly meaningless.

Piedro thought about it and silently agreed because while itself was his greatest creation she still has a lot of room for improvement.

If something is truly perfect thats it. the truth of the matter is i despise perfection. If something is truly perfect, thats it. The bottom line becomes, there is no room for imagination. No space for intelligence, or abilty or improvement. Do you understand? To men of science like us, perfection is a dead end, a condition of hopelessness.

Watts thought on what he the other scientist said. And he has to admit, even if it is not easy, he is right. With perfection being the dead end he would have no reason to continue what he was persuing there. No reason to adjust the settings or specify anything. He would just do the same thing over and over again without having make a failure or an advace in what he was doing. Meaning there is no reason for him to improve and with great horror he realised that even the small joy in his life like having something working after month of work and being praised for it would simply not exist because it would be perfect. On that day Watts swore to always find a way for improvement.

Weiss thought about the words of the scientist and found them valid. And now she realised if she had actually listened to her father even more and thought that because she was a schnee she was perfect. There would have been no reason to rebel against her father because she would have had the same mind set. Shivering from that thought she hugged Ruby for comfort who simply hugged her back without word.

Piedro already began to think of improvements for penny when heard those words.

Always strive to be better than anything that came before you but not perfect! Scientist agonize over the attempt to achieve perfection! Thats the kind of creatures we are, we take joy in trying to exceed our grasp in trying to reach for something that in the end we have to admit may infact be unreachable.

"Lets hope that also stays for a long while." said Salem while looking at Ozpin knowing his plans for a perfected humanity. "Don't worry these plans are long since gone now. Maybe creating something new without the gods would be a good idea." said Ozpin to Salem with her getting lesser concerns now.

"Well someone has to advance humanity beyond perfection." said Watts while being somewhat smug with Piedro agreeing to it somewhat.

"I think it is time to show how imperfect he is." said Weiss while already thinking of a plan. Her team were terrified by the already sociopathic smile becoming wider and wider. "Blake, Yang i am scared." said Ruby  "Don't worry we all are." said Balke while moving a bit further away from Weiss.

In other words. You may think that we operate on the same level but you are wrong. The moment you started talking about perfection you embraced an impossible concept and had already lost to me. That is of course if you are indeed a scientist at all.

"truly after everything i heard every scientist worth of his diploma should never consider their creation perfect. And if they do they should have their diploma taken away." said Watts with his arms crossed.

"That is something i can truly agree on." said Pietro.

"While this is all fine and all do we get to see something with action next. And not so phylosophical." said Yang. "Wow Yang i did not thought that you had the ability to use such a long word i am impressed." said Weiss. "Weiss i am a extremly hot, blond package of awesomenes. not absolutely stupid." said Yang to weiss.

"Well you are in luck next is something with robots." said Knight.

If you are reading this i am back to full health and am now remembering that i have written a chapter while being ill, which quite frankly is terrible, and have forgotten to publish it. In my defence i was ill enough that i thought my cat was the devil for a few moments, so working while being ill and sleep deprived from the job hunt might have been a bad idea. Any way i am back as strong as ever with slight hayfever because it is summer and am back to writting suggestions.

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