Bad luck or cursed by fate

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"Emperors new groove" belongs to disney and Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. More videos are still theeeeeeeeeeeeere. "bampf" stupid banana peeeeeeeeeeel. Where did that puddle just came?!

"we are now watching a bunch of comedy videos. I want atleast to see half a dozen dad jokes from all of you." knight said. "Wait we start can i ask you something?" asked Ruby. "Yes little red riding hood!" answered Knight with a smile. "First of all i am still growing so i am not little! And second. When we saw your blade for a short time it felt different why is that?" asked Ruby curious. 

"I did pull out my original blade. You could say it was a record of my travel. " said Knight mystical with a sad smile on his face. "Any way before something absolutely sad or crazy happens lets go forth into laughting heaven together." shouted Knight while activating the screen.

"Here the spoiled king Kuzco was transformed by his evil advisor in a lama was brought to the jungle. Patcha, a farmer helps him to get back to the palace but after he was saved from a group of panthers he was then bound to a massive piece of would with patcha through sheer misfortune and is now in the water with this situation." explained Knight. "Wow he has even worse luck then i have." said Qrow while looking forward seeing someone else suffering.

"I don't know about you but i am getting all funed out." said Kuzco as they resurfaced.

"Do you also hear the water getting faster." said Blake. "Yes" said Weiss. "Doesn't that indicate..." began Ruby. "Yep." said Qrow being once himself with Ozpin in the same situation. "Doesn't that mean..." began Yang. "Absolutely." said Qrow with a wide smile.

"Oh oh." said Patcha with wide eyes when he saw forwards. "Don't tell me. We are about to get over a huge waterfall." said Kuzco totally serious. "Yep" replied Patcha. "Sharp rocks at the bottom." guessed kuzco. "Most likely." said Patcha. "Bring it on." said Kuzco with no fucks to give. "Booo yeahhahahaha." screamed Kuzco.

"It is astonishing how calm he was when he heared that." said Glynda. "Well he was multiple times almost killed and transformed into an lama in a span of hours. I personally think he simply no fucks to give anymore." said Knight. "well he certainly was..." began Yang. "No do not do it." said Raven. "... in a..." continued Knight. "please stop." said Ruby. "... hairy situation!" shouted knight and Yang at the same time and proceeding to laught. "Gods i hate you both." said Salem with a small smile.

(this video belongs to... huh there was actually no mention who owned the video so i say those scientists)

"Well next we have a small prank under colleaques." said Knight with a smile. "well pranks are always funny." said Jaune. "Yeah this can only go well." said Nora with anticipation.

The first thing they saw was someone changing into a lab coat and then slowly opening the door. Directly behind it were his two friends and a giant air cannon.

"Oh yeah giant air cannon." said Yang and Nora happy. "Oh no a giant air cannon" said Blake and Ren.

The guy was flung through the room and crashed against the shelves before he fell down on his knees and fell the fully over with those who fired the cannon laughting after they made sure that he was ok. 

"Dear oum that was hilarious!" shouted Yang and Nora. "No it was not he could have gotten himself hurt." said Weiss. "But the fact that they could laugh proofs  that he did not."said Raven laughting about the joke. "Gods! i wish they could have played that on slowmo." laughed Qrow while slamming his fist on the arm rest.

Then the slowmo was shown.

"In slowmo it is even funnier." said Summer. "This surely looks funny." said Watts planning to use the same joke on tyrian and cinder.

"Well now made from a bad situation something good happens." said Knight. "What do you mean?" asked Penny.

(fate grand order babylonia belongs to typemoon)

Gilgamesh was seen opening his eyes in a mysterious cave which is filled with cages which held blue flammes. "Siduri" he asked while looking around seeing nothing but stone, cages and fire. He was so kingly even kur gave him a stone throne to awake on to.

"Hey that is gil!" said Ruby happy. "Yeah but where is he?" asked Weiss. "i feel like i have seen the place but i don't know where." said Ozpin. "Yeah me too." said Summer. "Well you should. Kur is the underworld of mesopotamia." said Knight.

"Wait is actually dead. As in dead dead?" asked Jaune. "Yep." said Knight. "What killed him?" asked Yang concerned. "He overworked himself." said Knight. Immediatly Ruby, Jaune and Weiss were put into blankets by their respective teams. They had their favourite drinks in their hands.

"Don't worry guys. We won't die that fast." said Ruby jokingly. "You don't know. He was the most powerfull king in existence and he still died of overwork. So better safe then sorry" said Yang with a nervous smile while making sure her sister is as confortable as possible. "Was she always that light?" yang asked herself. "This is rediculous. We won't die of over..." tried Weiss but her mouth was immediatly closed by nora who put a pancake in her mouth and proceeds to do the same to jaune who simply accepted his comfortable fate.

"oh Glyyynda." said Ozpin. "Go into a ditch and die Ozpin." said Glynda. A sulking Ozpin was then seen in his seat and a laughting Salem was next to him.

"i seem to have awoken from my nap in the deps of Kur." said Gilgamesh calmly while closing his eyes and resting his head on his fist.

"Wow even the underworld gave him a throne." said Blake while feeding Ruby cookies. "And how relaxed he is about this." said Piedro.

"This is no time for jokes! I am really dead here!" shouted Gilgamesh distressed. And the monitor went black.

"Well now he is behaving like a normal being." said Pyrrha. "What did he do then?" asked Ruby. "He strolled through Kur as if the place belongs to him and with the Ritsukas he then went out of the underworld. Well he could have done it alone but the Ritsukas were already trying to rescue him so he humored them.

"Wow no wonder he is the king of heroes. He could have gone in and out of the afterlife every time he wanted." said Jaune with stars in his eyes. "Yeah." said Ruby with just as many stars in her eyes. Nay her eyes were glowing like the stars themselve with childly wonder.

"Well onto the next video." said Knight.

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