The shepherd and harbringer have a talk

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Well you know what season it is. Well anyway todays reaction is another suggestion. The other video is just a funny gag. Now time to prepare christmas. Masseffect belongs to Bioware and Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. Now lets go we have a few reactions to do.

"Well has everyone caught themself again?" asked Knight. "Yeah i think i got it again." said Ruby while wiping her tears away. "As long as Yang doesn't do anything stupid. Then yeah i think i can do it watch again." said Blake. "I am thankfull for having them here." said Yang in tears but happy. "hopefully our yang here doesn't have the same thing here." joked Summer still slightly terrified of the future. 

"Well now we have something more alien like before we go back to the usual programm. Here we have someone called Shephard talking to someone called harbringer or something. To be honest i have no idea what had happened. Absolutely zero. nothing. Absolut keine Ahnung was vorher passiert ist. No idea." said Knight. "So no additional info from you this time." said jaune. "To be honest i am gone entirely this time because Natsu called me and said that he wanted to go on another adventure with the team and me soooo..." said Knight before putting on a black leather jacket and an indiana Jones hat to hide his ears.

"Bye guys! See in you some time!" said Knight with a smile before stepping into a portal to Fiore. "Get back here you good for nothing deity! We still have to watch videos after this!" shouted Salem through the portal before it closed and decapitated her. "GAH!!! Aunt Salem is dead!" shouted Ruby surprised. "No way!" shouted Yang equally shocked. 

At least before Salems head popped out of her body like a turtoise with a little pop sound. "oh stop screaming. This is not the first time i have been decapitated and it won't be the last time. Seriously it happened so often that i can almost write it down as a kink for those who want to kill me. Either that or stabbing me in the chest. Specifically aimed at my heart." said Salem annoyed. "I am fairly certain that her heart is the place where she is the least vulnerable." said Ozpin. 

"Ozpin? Shouldn't you be in the ER?" asked Qrow. "The nurse wanted to amputate my arm! MY ARM! I swear that nurse is crazy!" said Ozpin. "Summer hide me. The doctor wants to dissect me! Where is Knight!?" shouted Raven while limping on a crutch out of a portal and began to hide in her seat. Both Ozpin and Raven where bandaged up and Raven was on crutches. 

"How the hell did you even get here? We should be more or less half a kilometre under the medical ward and there is no lift to get here." asked Qrow shocked that they can even get down here. "Well me and Ozpin met in the medical ward and before the insane nurse and doctor would come back he gave me his cane and with that i made a portal. So before the medical staff is back please hide us." said Raven.

"Well Knight is gone for the moment so well there is just hiding and watching for you." said Summer. Immeadetly they hit as deep as they could in their seats. Atleast as much as their bruised body allows it before the video started.

A giant golden glowing alien squid can be seen. "Shepard you have become an annoynace. YOu fight against inevitabilty dust struggling against cosmic winds. The seems a victory to you, a star system sacrificed. but even now your greatest civilisations are doomed to fall. Your leaders will beg to serve us." said the golden alien squid.( To be honest i have not even the slightest idea what that is except that it looks cool)

"So the usual "We are better then you in every way so bow down and kneel". And that at the first negotiation." said Roman. "Yep. I honesty i made that speech at the beginning of my evil queen carrer here too. But that got dull really quick if you don't mix it up every once in a while." said Salem. "Well you did always made speeches when we were together." said Ozpin while letting out an dry laugh. "Yeah it was fun. I have to admit that." said Salem with a weak smile.

"Maybe you are right. Maybe we can't win this, but we will fight you regardless. Just like we did overeign, just like i am doin now. However insignificant we might be. We will fight. We will sacrifice and we will find a way. That's what humans do." said Shepard.

"This is what we do. But you also have to think of what you have sacrificed and honor it." said Ozpin. "Maybe we should rather fight to keep what we keep dear instead to fight what we wish for." said Summer wishing to undo so many sacrifices, like watching her children grow up.

"Know this as you die in vain. Your time will come. Your species will fall. Prepare yourselves for the arrival." he said before Squidicus khan left the video call on intergalactic discord. "Comander Shepard. Mormandy inbound for pickup." said Normandy. "Roger that." said Shepard and ran into the ship which then flew away. "get us out of here joker!" shouted Shepard at the pilot before everything grew black.

"that is what i don't like about those hero types. They sacrifice to much without any certain goal." said Roman angry. "But if you don't make some choices with uncertain outcome who knows what would have come then. A hero can do after all the impossible. Even if it is maybe difficult and filled with pain. And who knows. Maybe if you don't try a bet where the winner is clear then who knows. maybe something good can come out." said Ruby romanticizing a possible future.

Before anyone could say something shouted someone in a deep voice. "Well said child. To believe in a uncertain but better future is better then the same thing. For that too is Rome child which acts like my master." shouted the holy progenitor Romulus Quirinius while making his signature pose. His golden armor was glowing while his red iris were looking at Ruby Rose. "Yes holy progenitor! That is ROMA! Umu." shouted Nero claudius.

"While foolish it nothing else can be exspected of a child. To dream is one of the few tasks required of a child. To advance is the task of humanity." said Gilgamesh (caster) "Gil. Most of them are still young. So they are a bit like fools after all." said Enkidu. "But are these mongrels worth even a fraction of our attention." said Gilgamesh(Archer adult) pridefull. "Well you are blind for capability so it is no wonder that you want to ignore them." said the child version of Gilgamesh. "You little..." began the teenage Gilgamesh before Enkidu got in between them and ended the dispute.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Knight just as he came back. His jacket was half blown away. His hat was on his hair which was full of ash and formed like an afro. He had his sword in hand as he saw the chaos.

"Where are the patients!" shouted Nightingale as she pushed herself through the group. Everyone pointed at the seats of Ozpin and Raven. As they were then dragged away under screams Knight got back to asking. "What is going on?" he asked.

"Enkidu and me want to see the next batch of heroes while the masters are in Yamataikoku. Also i want them to witness my greatness!" shouted Gilgamesh. "But one of the very earliest things i did was show them how strong you are." said Knight. "Then i am back to the art room where the masters will sculp me and Enkidu for their art project." shouted Gligamesh and all the gils went back upwards. "I am very sorry for the commotion. Always remember. Hate Ishtar." said Enkidu with a smile before he followed the gils.

"What the fuck just happened?" asked Qrow. "Qrow if i had an idea then i would give you an aswer." said Knight. "Well that brings us to our wish." said Romulus.

Well another suggestion done from the ever growing pile. If it sounds a bit half baked it is because it is. I had no idea what Mass effect is about in generell as i began to write this chapter and it just got confusing about the plot. I think it is one of those games where you have to play it yourself to have a idea what it is about.

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