The adventures of fireteam Rwby: Dance in battle

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I don't own destiny or Rwby. And yes it is somewhat leaned on the scene above. And maybe i made a few to many implications. Just a few. Also yes. The younger type of people maybe should not read this chapter. Well i did my obligatory warning for the audience beneath 16 if there are any and bla bla bla. If devil may cry and destiny are not enough warning then i don't know. So who cares if you ignore it now. Onwards with the chapter.

"Well time for another adventure of Fire team Rwby." said Knight. "Yay!" they all shouted. Well not all. "Hopefully they don't turn me into somekind of loot." thought Salem before the video started.

Weiss watched through her sniper for enemies while Yang was watching her back and acted as her spotter. Weiss looked around before she saw Ruby through her scope breakdancing with her ghost playing music. Weiss looked away for a second before pulling up the visor and rubbing her eyes not believing what her girlfriend is doing in the field.

"What the fuck?" asked Weiss not beliefing her own eyes. "Go Ruby. Go Ruby." Yang shouted cheering on the interstellar version of her sister. "Miss Rose. If i ever see you doing free style breakdance like that on a mission two things will happen." said Glynda stern. "First respect for the dance moves." said Glynda and Ruby relaxed. "And second me sending you back to training." said Glynda angry making Ruby shudder in fear.

"What is it Weiss?" asked Yang confused. "Look." said Weiss and let Yang have a look through her sniper. "What the... I didn't taught her that dance move. And now she is morsing "get... Weiss... on... the... scope... Use... the... private... lane... of... comms." with lightsignals." said Yang. "What? Let me see." said Weiss and looked through the sniper scope.

"Eh. why is that?" asked Blake. "Maybe she has found something." said Jaune. "A likely possibility Mr Arc. " asked Ozpin.

There she saw Ruby with her helmet off letting her hair and face be seen. "Now watch this." said Ruby over the comms before jumping in the air. She then activated her blade barrage, but instead of throwing all knives at once she threw just a few with each throw. During her throws she twisted and turned as if she was dancing in the air. Their original goal was to infiltrate a hive fortress and eliminate all the hive and to gain loot.

"What is my dolt doing now?" asked Weiss noth curious and annoyed. "My?" teased Yang. "Shut it you cow." said Weiss emberassed

"Tonight i shall dance. Tonight i shall insert and twist. I shall gently and strongly stimulate everything till it stops functioning. I shall attack even after even the power to thinking clear is lost. I shall continue my attack until my target explodes and then..." said Ruby once she was done throwing her knives until they were all stuck in the wall. Ruby has gotten a thorneless rose from somewhere. The stem was in between her teeth. Once Ruby clapped her hands the knives exploded leaving only a heart shape.

"Monty oum. Was that an attack or an opportunity to turn Rens book into life action." said Jaune shocked. "I am more shocked that she is that bold." said Winter shocked. "That part is from Tai most probably." said Raven. "Yep. I can see it." said Summer. "Wha... wha... wha..." said Weiss like a broken recorder with a completely red face. "Kill me now." said Ruby completely emberassed. "Is the ship now going to set sail?" asked Salem excited while she was quickly writing everything down for her next book.

The giant stone heart, created by shattering the hive gate into a million pieces with the blade barrage then fell down and squashed any hive who tried to flee. "I shall do it over and over again until there is only a wet and ruined but satisfied mess lying on the ground." said Ruby while bowing before Weiss, who watched her through the scope.

"Monty Oum!" shouted Yang. "That is exactly like out of "the gunslinger and the princess" chapter eighteen page 69 line 34." shouted Blake, Roman and Ren excited. "More smut?" asked Weiss emberassed. "It was more of a love story between a wayward gunslinger and a princess of a far off country, Miss Schnee. It was only having the bare minimum of smut." said Glynda who still wanted that book signed.

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