Nonjas and racing tracks

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I don't own Speed racer or Rwby. Also this was a suggestion like 20 to 30 chapters ago. About time i do it.

"Well today we are looking at a racer who fights against corporate greed and fixed races in a futuristic setting." said Knight. "Sounds good." said Blake. "And ninjas. He also fights ninjas." said Knight. "And here is the weird thing. Why ninjas? Why not something more... modern? Like an assassin with a sniper?" asked Weiss. "Quality and being cheap i suppose." said Knight. "Damn. Did they never learn that you shouldn't be cut costs on assassins?" asked Roman while Neo already gave out her prices. 

"20% discount if the victim dies on his birthday or during sex. Transportation and body removal not included. The money is returned if the killer is unable to kill the target or a better one is payed with that. Weiss. When was Jaques birthday again?" asked Winter unwilling to use the second condition. 

"It is next year." said Weiss while she was keeping Ruby on a leash. Next to her was Ren who had. They were both vibrating on hyper speed. "Why the leash?" asked Yang. "Merlin switched sugar with Holmes secrets stash. And they ate the resulting cookies. He originally wanted to prank Artoria and had forgotten that they are... cookie bandits. Anyway they had around a servant load of that thing." said Weiss while it looks as if her arm is about to jump out of her socket with how much Ruby moves on her leash.

"Resistances done. Accelerated poison cleaning system. Installed." said Mr Shadow and Ruby stopped moving before she crashed face first into the floor. 

"What happened?" asked Ruby confused. "Merlin." said Weiss. "ah ok." said Ruby. "And what about Nora." said Ren while Nora was vibrating in and out of existence. "KLANK!" "well that takes care of it." said Ren while he saw how Knight hit her with tremendous with his frying pan which knocked her unconcious and through ten steel walls.

"And there goes the aura." said Jaune. "Hey. Atleast i haven't used an actual hammer or an sword. Then you would have a problem." said Knight while storing his special frying pan away. "Yeah. The problem of finding a burial site." said Salem. "Oh hush now. Well time to start the video." said Knight while Ren sprinted through the Nora shaped holes to check if she is still breathing.

The ninja came in blew his dart and wanted to escape thinking that he could leave. That is before X ran at him and punched his stomach what made the ninja jump back. X then took his shirt and bound it in way that it forms a mask infront of his face, imitating the ninja and to hide his face.

"See. That is what happens when you buy cheap henchmen or assassins. They fuck up." said Roman. "Quality murder for a cheap price." wrote Neo on a sign. Then she wrote on another: "No child murder though." "Acceptable." said Qrow.

The ninja attacked with palm strikes and kicks while shouting, which X dodged, blocked or caught before grabbing the ninjas leg and striking him to the ground. The ninja got back up and let out a fury of attacks only for them to be blocked and countered. X kicked the ninja to wall where he then crumbled down before X squished him together between couch and wall with the ninja having his feet above his head.

"Oooooh." they all said before Blake realised something. "Wait isn't that position the fabled mate..." began Blake before Yang put a hand on Blakes mouth and pointed silently at Ruby who was not looking at them. "Please don't give her idea for the act of procreation." said Mr Shadow. "What he said." said Yang with simply Blake rolling her eyes.

Another ninja was silently walking towards Speed ready to kill him with a dart before Spritle fell out of his bed. Sleepy he then pulled back his mask only to see the ninja, scream in shock and fear and wake Speed up who defended himself when the ninja tried to kill him.

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