The ice princess and the yokai: Act 1

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Well because the first chapter of the yokai story was very liked under you apparently, and i just enjoy free writing like this. So here is the second chapter of the yokai story. And what better way to start it of is it then  to start with a cute little picture. I don't own Rwby or the picture.

"well we are watching the next part of Oni Ruby and her human lover Weiss." said Knight while taking a gulp out of the sake cup. "By the way where is Ruby?" asked Weiss. "I am here." said Ruby emberassed while hiding in her cloak with not a part of her body being seen except her head. 

"Ehm Ruby? Why are you hiding in your cloak?" asked Yang confused as she saw nothing but her head comming out of the cloak. "Well apparently shuten doji and iberaki doji got out that in this parallel world i am an oni." said Ruby emberassed.

"ohohoho this is gonna be good." said Knight with a wide smile before taking another gulp of his drink. "Well and when i came out of the showers there was only a resized copy of shutens clothes with a note saying that they give the clothes back at the end of the day." said Ruby emberassed. This caused Knight to laugh at the joke of the oni's. 

"Hahaha! Really i love the fact that oni can stretch out their hand in friendship in one moment and bite your head off the next! On in this case to steal all your clothing and replace it with that flimsy thing! HAhahaha!" laughed Knight.

"Hey stop laughting! The only reason why i am here for the moment is because i stashed an outfit in a secret hideout here because i thought something like this would happen." said Ruby angry while her face slowly grew more red

"Flimsy thing?" thought everyone except Ruby who is on the verge of crying and the loudly laughting Knight who was drinking and laughting at the same time.

"Flimsy thing?" thought everyone except Ruby who is on the verge of crying and the loudly laughting Knight who was drinking and laughting at the same time

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(I don't own the picture and this picture is only there for those who don't know how fgo Shuten doji looks like)

"Hey bloodqueen are you okay?" asked Yang a Weiss while Weiss has a blood red face. "Yeah yeah i just..." began Weiss before Ruby tripped over a cable causing the cloak to open revealing her in the same outfit just refitted for her. 

"afasgrrgedf." said Weiss before she fell unconcious with a bleeding nose. Weiss.exe stopped working.

"MY EYES!" shouted Roman as Summer poked his eyes out. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" shouted Ren and Jaune while their eyes got poked out by their lover/future wife/ "just a friend".

"Atleast most people we met here are pretty revealing. Meaning even if she tripped on the way here nobody would have noticed even without the cloak." said Raven remembering Gilgamesh (adult archer) walking around naked as the day he was born, for his body is "a gift to humanity and shouldn't be covered". 

Or all the other exhibitionists walking around chaldea half naked. She even saw Knight at one point walking around without any clothes on his upper body because it felt more free.

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