Flash of light, Searing pain then puff you are nothing more then a pile of ash

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The hobbit belongs to j.r.r Tolkien, not me, and Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. Now onwards to the next chapter and a little bit of a break from those tears. We wouldn't want to dry them up now do we lads. Now lets go on adventure and kill a dragon.

"Well now we get to a bit more happy things." said Knight with a smile. "Halleluja. I don't know how much more i could have taken before i would have collapsed crying." said Weiss while still wiping away the tears from the last chapter. "Thats what she said." said Knight and Yang laughting. "I hate both of you." said Weiss while putting her right hand over her eyes. Everyone groaned.

"Well what are we reacting to?" asked Blake. "We are watching the begin of an adventure." said Knight. "AN ADVENTURE!!!" shouted Yang, Nora, Ruby and Jaune. "Like the ones you only get in movies. With evil plans being destroyed?" asked Ruby almost vibrating. "Yep." "With a knight in shining armor?" asked Jaune excited. "With fire, epic battles and magical being?!" shouted Nora while hugging/crushing Ren. "There is a dragon. And a bunch of dwarfs." said Knight while taking a sip of his horn with mead(always loved mead more then beer what is your favourite alcoholic drink if you are allowed).

"Will there be giant army battles?!" asked Yang. "Yep. Five armies even." said Knight with a smile. "With what do we begin?" asked Qrow excited. "Well we begin in a hobbit cave. It is not like a normal cave old, dusty and sad cave. It is more like a house covered by grass build into the ground. Bilbo Baggins, our main character here, has been, even unvolutaranly at the begining, been dragged by a group of dwarves and an old wizard into an adventure to reclaim the home of the dwarves, which has been captured by the evil dragon smaug. We will see the beginning of the journey." said Knight while downing his drink.

"This awesome." said Ruby and Jaune at the same time. "It sure is." said Ozpin and Knight, remembering their own adventures. For Ozpin atleast until he married. "Well now lets begin." said Knight and took up a stick. He raised and lowered the stick to direct an orchester that played the theme from the hobbit while the red curtains parted.

The dwarfs put more and more food on the already overfilled table while also taking some Food out of the bowels and plates. The plates were filled with ham, dryed sausages, smoked meat, hard boiled eggs and dozens of other different dishes, all filled to the brim with delicacys. "Bombur catch." said Bofur and threw an peeled egg at Bombur hwo caught with his mouth. Everyone was laughting and happy at the table cheering for the throw and the catch.

"What kind of debauchery is that?!" shouted Weiss and Winter. "Only the best kind." said Qrow already loving what he is seeing. "They are having what is so bad about it." said Yang while catching popcorn Ruby threw at her like Bombur 

"That can not be that hard. Popcorn me Pyrrha." said Jaune having seen Ruby, Yang, Bombur and Bofur doing that. "My eye!!" shouted Jaune. "We did that for years. Jaune you have alot to learn." said Ruby sagely. "Teach me sensei." said Jaune. "later." said Ruby.

The food was given around and sometimes even flew through the air in awaiting or mouths nut the important thing was everyone there was happy. Well not everyone was happy. The host of this festivitys, a hobbit by the name of Bilbo was unhappy. He was so unhappy infact that his frown turned in to a smile, then the figure eight, then decided, because it was tired, to lay down which resulted into the infinity sign and then died and was reborn as a frown again.

"Well that is one unhappy person." said Yang. "Well they do make quite a mess friend Yang." said Penny "Come on. How much of a mess could they make. They are all like over 30 so some of them have to be responsible." commented Yang.

This process repeated itself when he saw the room where he normaly kept all his food, while the dwarves and the wizard dined in his living room. It was empty, dirty and the only thing left there were bone, scrapes and the mud the dwarves brought in with their boots, while scratching the stone floor with them. His wine cellar. Plundered like Raven or Yang in a rule 34 story(or for those who are not an adult like a plundered like the treausure from a pirate). His food, devoured. His last bit of patience and empathy for dwarves and wizards. Eradicated.

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