108 bows and the mercifull Buddha

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Well as you know i am half korean. So my mother once introduced me to k-drama once we had Netflix and i loved every second of it. So here we are. Now lets us see how someone from the mafia is now crying like a baby. I don't own "Vincenzo" or "Rwby". And because the yokai story seems to be well received then there will be another chapter of it next time i update the story.

"Well i have a bet for you Roman. And you too Qrow. In the next video you two are lifting a treasure of 28 billion lien and if they succeed you each get the same amount. If i win on the other hand then you take over some of my clean up shifts. Naturally Neo would also get that amount of money as well as anyone who gets some of the money in the video." said Knight. 

"Ehm how much did you say was it again?" asked Roman shocked while he was half way in lala land. Neo and Qrow weren't any better. "You heared me. 28 billion lien." said Knight with a smile.

Roman, Neo and Qrow looked at each other before saying, or holding up a sign in Neos case, whole heartly: "i accept!" "Why did you say that?" whispered Summer to Knight. 

"Well i was on duty of cleaning up the messes in the bar and when a servants get drunk it gets... messy. It ranges from in between being normal or sleepy to half a dozen demigods being angry or unable to contorll their powers. Then there was the fact that gilles de rais(caster) almost turned the bar in a real live r18 tentacle manga while drunk. It would have happened wouldn't it have been for the fact that Arjuna was in charge at the moment. We had to rebuild alot after that." said Knight. 

"So you don't want to clean up or see gross stuff?" whispered Ruby. "Absolutely." said Knight while Roman, Neo and Qrow where jumping around hugging each other while chanting: "We are gonna be rich! We are gonna be rich! We are gonna be rich! The ice queen can kiss our golden asses!" "Hey" shouted Winter and Weiss.

Raven got the camera out for the moment the moment they lost the bet.

"Well time to start the thing." said Knight.

The first thing that can be seen was Roman and Qrow bowing before a Buddha statue. "What are you doing here?" asked one of them while Coco looked at the ground where they pray. The wooden floorbords weren't put in all the way.

"So that thing is under the ground. Come to daddy giant pile of money." said Roman. "It is actually gold and art pieces. All topped with a golden Buddha. Not hollow, i mean solid gold." said Knight. "Buddy. It could be all sunken in a treasure ship at the ground of the ocean and i would still carry everything up if it means that much cash." said Qrow. "Also it helps with leg day." wrote Neo on a sign.

"We are  doing 108 bows." said Qrow. "108 bows? To Buddha? Why?" asked Oobleck. "We asked Buddha to rid our hearts of greed and selfish behavior." said Qrow while doing another bow. "Help us, Merciful Buddha." prayed Ozpin next to them. "Help us mercifull buddha." said Roman before turning to them.

"Yeah help us with all the cash we will be having!" shouted Roman while he, Qrow and Neo gave each other a high five. "Well that is alot of gold. How are they gonna get that cash out?" asked Ruby. "With alot of patience and leg exercise little red. With a lot of patience and leg exercise." said Roman remembering the last time he carried that much gold. His wallet thanked him. His legs and back on the other hand tried to kill him.

"Excuse us. But we really need to finish. Privacy would be appreciated." said Roman before bowing. Willow understood and bowed. Oobleck grunted at them before Qrow and Roman returned to bowing. "Well, i think that was our cue. Let's keep looking for the gold deep in our hearts." said Willow while she and ozpin pushed them away.

"Mom?" asked Weiss. "Yeah here she is a lawyer fighting against an evil corporation." said Knight. "Like the sdc?" asked Blake. "Yep." said Knight. "Why not? It is not like it isn't a shady, evil corporation here too." said Winter angry. "And she may or may not have the hots for this version of Roman." said Knight. "Well. It is not like i can't understand it. I look fabulous." said Roman while Neo made a sign that said "ten out of ten in flair."

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