When and what i do is up to me. Or when i have time. I will be reading your suggestions but if i am gonna take them is up to me. But most importantly have fun. And if you suggest something with link it is more likely to come up. (Warning my grammar...
Another yokai story chapter. If i proceed with that pace the story will be over before i even know. But don't worry there will be additional more creative stories comming. And they are really fun to write. And we still have quite some content for the yokai story so don't worry and let this be a problem of your future self. And as to why there isn't a picture with the Rwby characters in combo with something japanese there. That is simple.
I did did not upload for quite some time. So i thought some extra care in this chapter would be nice. So some cute comics/pictures, good storys, a few dirty jokes and a lot of extra lenght and over time.
"Hey Ruby there you..." began Yang before her words layed themself to die in her throat. When Yang saw Ruby comming into the theatre fell her coffee mug out of her hand so shocked was she by what she saw.
"Ruby. Did you convert to being a... exhibitionist?" asked Yang concerned as she saw Ruby comming in the same outfit as ibuki doji in her later ascensions but with her cape on.
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(referrence picture which i don't own in the slightest way possible)
"Chaldea is already taking it's toll on her. Soon she will be running around wearing nothing but see through clothing and underwear." whispered Raven to Summer. "No. Ruby is a good girl. She won't do something like that." said Summer scared of the reality where this happens.
"Your loss when she gives in to the madness. I mean look at thing Mash wore into battle. And she is such a nice girl." said Raven. Summer was now officialy scared once she remembered the pictures of chaldeas first battles with Mash in the armor provided by galahad.
"I don't know what happened. One moment i was walking down the hall way in my normal clothes and the next moment i was wearing this. Do speedy servants exists who would do this?" asked Ruby confused.
"About half a dozen. Not counting the ones who could and would do that with magic." said Knight not exactly helping the case. "Well time to try the new spell Merlin taught me. Abra ka clotha!" said Ruby said and after an magical girl transformation(i am talking old school sailor moon style magical girl transformation here) and she has her old clothes on with a shirt which showed this.
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