Beatdowns, Greetings and Muscles

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Fullmetal Alchemist belongs to the companies Bones and Square enix and the author Hiromu Arakawa. Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. If you grow a beard it is your fault for reading this and it is a part of you now. If your testosterone levels are over 9000 this is also a part of you now.

"What do you mean it is time to get more people in?" Ruby asked with a cute movement of her head. "Well i mean this. Yang pull the lever."Knight answered while pointing at the two levers on the wall next to her. Yang then pulled the right lever. "No that is the wrong leeeevvvveeeeeer" Knight began before under him and Goodwitch were trapdoors openend. After a few minutes they came back wet and tired with a crocodile on the ancle of Knight ancle. "Why do you even have that lever?!!" asked Miss Goodwitch. "Hey i wanted such a thing since i was a little boy when i saw a movie with that in it. I just never thought it would be used on me." answered Knight. "But why did i fell with you!!" screamed Goodwitch like a Banshee. "Because i have still set it on randomizer. So a set trapdoor and a random trapdoor will be activated. And now go away Fluffy i have work to do." said Knight while shaking the crocodile from his ancle.

With a snap of his fingers he dried his and Goodwitch clothing and then used other lever. Immeadetly Jnpr, Professor (Doctor!!!) Doctor Oobleck and Port fell out of a hole in the ceiling and in exactly that order. "My back. I think i can taste my spinal column." said Jaune from bellow the pile with the rest of Jnpr agreeing. "Can someone please take the anvil of me." said Pyrrha with both of her arms being trapped under her teammates. "Hey! I weight not more then 150 kg of mighty muscle." said Port. "Sorry." You know said it. "Peter get off of me or so the brothers of light and dark help me i will blast you off with my Antique roast(I have no idea what the weapon of Oobleck is called so i gave it a name)." shouted Oobleck in his ear. "Fine Barty i go." grumbeled Port.

"Hey how are you vomit boy." asked Yang. "I think i gained a few inches but i will survive." answered Jaune. "And the rest of the pancake team." asked Knight while making Popcorn with sugar. "Good we were actually ... just... about to." Pyrrha began before realising that they are no longer in Beacon. At that moment Team Jnpr and the two teachers readied their weapons. "Team Jnpr! Bart! Peter! put down your weapons." commanded Glynda in her no nonsense voice to which everyone complied.

"Oh this reminds me."said Knight opening a hidden door where then Kali and Ghira Belladonna. "Why do they get a soft landing?!!" screamed Jaune. "They are just here for the Video and to reconnect with Blake. But first lets watch and get a few explinations in. Also i don't like you at the moment and want to see you strugeling for my personal entertainment." said Knight with a smile. "You don't say such things with a such wide on your face. Are you insane?!!!!"asked Jaune. "Probably."Knight said with an even wider smile.

Meanwhile the Belladonnas had a reunion."Mom, dad. I am sorry for being stupid. I am sorry for abondoning you. I am sorry for believing Adam. I am sorry for doing all those bad things. I am so sorr..." before Blake could say something her mother and father pulled her in for a hug. " Don't worry sweety. We will always love you no matter what." said Kali. "But... but..." tried Blake to start again but this time her father stopped her. "Kitten we were just worried. You could have gone down the wrong path and in danger but here you are. You have friend and people who wants to help you for the goodnes of your heart. We have talked with Knight on the way here. He told us off all your adventures with your team We aare proud off you kitten." said Ghira while hugging her and her mother closer. Blake then hugged them back and mouthed with her mouth the words thank you in his direction. Then they went to their seats as a family.

A few explinations, break downs and coupons for therapy by Alucard later they all sat down to watch the video.

"So what are we watching?" asked a hyped up Nora. "You will see now."answered Knight.

The first thing they saw in this testosterone loaded video of madness are the bulging of arm muscles. Then a highly well built chest and then the face Ghira Belladonna with a twinkel in his eyes.

"What is that i know dad had many muscles but..... Mom!" said Blake while shaking her mother awake who had a dopey smile on her lips and bleeds out of her nose. "Oooh yangy likey." said Yang. Ruby, bless her innocent heart, had no idea what happened and was grossed out by her sister. Summer held herself to her husband even if she looked a few times at him. Glynda tried to restrain herself and her raging imagination(she uses a riding crop as a weapon. Think about it.) "Muscles you will always be remembered." said Ghira silently while looking at his now less buff but still muscular arms. The male popolution felt not inadequate absolutely not. They did not need consolation by there friends, or in Jaune and Rens case significant other even if they are to dense to see. Port wanted to say something but then he saw this. Pyrrha shortly fantasized about Jaune with such a physic and became a bit wet.

Ports almost bald with a faboulous mustache was shown who was baffeled by the situation Then Ghira began to pose(this caused kali bleed even stronger) with his chest muscles being then tensed up. Then a half naked but built like bodybuilder Port began a pose of his own and let his chest muscles do the talking. "Courage increased by hundred-fold, muscles increased by thousand fold!" shouted Port with his low voice and eyes shining like stars while a choir of a thousand men sang.

The testosterone levels were over 9000 in the theater. "YYOooooooah." screamed port and ripped his jacket away. And under it were the glorious muscles of his youth. Atleast for a moment until he had to breath in and the fat was back. And with that the depression that his muscles were lost to age. "What was that music?" asked Weiss she said while looking at Knight who grew a beard. "Artistic at work dear." said Knight while stroking his beard. Content with the answer the ice queen looked back at the monitor while being like Ruby cold as a turkey at this. Even if she had a small smile on her face.

Both men then shook hand and looked into each others eyes with admission that they are both equal while choir still sang. They then looked at their enemy storming in and gave him a straight uppercut to the face followed by and axehandle to the back. Their fist then burried themself into this giant mans stomach who was thrown by Port and Ghira into the ceiling. They then gave each other two fistbumps and a handshake with pure recognition and respect in each others eyes.

"So how was it?" asked Knight while cutting off his beard with a flamming sword. "Incredible valor! Respectable muscles!!!" both Ghira and Port shouted while recreating the handshake and then exchanging numbers.

"It was awesome. How they punched the bad guy and then they threw that giant guy into the ceiling. They were like pow, bamm and kawoom." said Ruby over hyped. "It was awesome. But ahm.Do you have a few Razors we can borrow? The hairs are in my mouth." asked Jaune for Oobleck, Ren, himself and weirdly enought Nora who had grown a full on viking style beard and is now throwing axes everywhere with the built of Thor.

"Go down the hallway. The bathroom is right next to the libary containg every book i have ever collected in the last 22000 years." answered Knight while continuing to shave himself with his ablazing flaming sword.

As soon as the words libary came out of knights mouth Oobleck was gone.

"Thanks for reuniting us with our daughter and getting us here and back. But can you now bring us back i think Blake needs to experience how to be a big sister." said Kali while her hand is going up further and further ghiras thigh. Without a word they were send back to spare Blake the embaressment.

"It was quite good and thank you for helping to repair everything." said Blake who is now cuddled against Yang. "Your welcome" said Knight. While glynda is till trying to figure out here kinks and Qrow fealling inadequate Weiss said:" It was nice but what is next?"

"Well now as said we hear the Queen of fairies roar." said Knight with a happy smile while pulling his shirt up. On his skin can be seen a blue silver sign directly above his heart. It looked like a fairy.

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