howdy partner. Care for a bullet? No. You get it anyway. Right between your eyes

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Howdy. It is october meaning  the halloween specials get out at the end of the month. What will it? The return of vampire Ruby also known as alucard. A few voodoo tricks in dear old louisiana. Certain colorfull individuals in mjolnir armor. Or maybe it is something comepletely pulled out of the ass like Stolas from Helluva boss when Blitzo finishes. It could also be more in the direction of dias de los muertos.

i don't own red dead redemption or rwby. Red dead redemption belongs to Rockstar games and Rwby to the teethed rooster roosterteeth. The video was put together by red arcade and those people who sent red arcade the clips. If you are here good work mate.

(Warning the halloween special is not made for people with weak psyche or stomachs in mind. If you are one of these two don't even try. For children i will have a "happy" halloween chapter ready. If you bitch around here is a ticket for elizabeth concert at the fgo castle csjete pyramid himeji and have deaf day)

"Well now i have to get someone here." said Knight. "Who?" asked Ruby curious. Then someone kicked open the theatre door. Immeadetly a shivering and bound together like a calf Tai was brought in by a happy Elisabeth Barthory. "Hello! Special delivery from everyones favourite idol!" she shouted excited. "I piss off Penthiselea one time and i get the vampire dragon duchess as a delivery girl." said Knight annoyed who then pulled out a knife and proceeded to cut the robe apart. "TAI! What did you do?" shouted Summer angry at Elisabeth with the rest of her family being right behind her.

"one of your friends Knighty?" asked Salem amused. "To be honest yes. Elisabeth Barthory. A dragon anti hero who dreams to be an idol. I asked to bring him here without a scratch what happened?" asked Knight a emberassed Elisabeth after he knocked the Rose-xiao long-branwen family back to their seats with a big bumb on their heads. 

"Well you know how i burned through my Qp and materials. So i took a job by petha chans delivery service to get a bit more. Csjete pyramid himeji castle(now say five times quickly in a row) needed some renovations and with Betty and Cleo already working on their stuff i thought that this would be a brilliant idea to widen my fanbase." said Elizabeth excited. "Meaning?" asked Knight concerned for eveyones well being. Mental and physical.

"Well so i thought i would sing for them when ever they open the door. With him being the first." said the dragon lancer proud of herself. Knight looked at her then at Tai. "So what happened then?" asked Knight already picturing something. "Because of my awesome singing he fell unconcious so i carried him here." said Elisabeth. "Was the rope your idea?!" asked Yang angry. 

"Oh no that is simply because Knight here was a cheapskate and choose the cheap version of transportation for people a few zeroes more and he would have a first class flight instead of lugage class. But don't worry don't own anything) will always deliver without damages to the package and i always sang to him when ever i could. Now please sign here, here and here." said Elisabeth with a big smile. 

"So all that happened because you were a cheap skate once." shouted Ruby angry. "Hey i am payed a hourly fee and that is not alot so this was best i could do to bring someone from patch to here. Sure i have a low rank golden rule but i am definitly not as rich as gilgamesh and refuse to take out a loan from sheba." said Knight after cutting free Taiyang Xiaolong. Elisabeth was already gone with the signatures. "It was horrible. The singing was like hearing nails on a chalk board on a speaker." said Tai terrified when he  could finally speak.

"Well now we are watching a video game based on Tais adventures as cowboy. More specificly. The fails of that video game." said Knight happy. "Fails as in?" asked jaune excited. "Bugs, death through stupid things and bad luck rivaling even Qrows." said Knight while he already begins with the decoration for halloween. He won't be beaten by Vlads opera singing pirate skeleton on a pike again (the jury are the child servants).  Or the chocolate fountain with skull shaped fruits right next to it. Knight refused to admit that he devoured most chocolated coated strawberries

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