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I don't own Katanagatari or Rwby. They are both owned by their respective creators. Ruby is owned by roosterteeth and katanagatari by Nisio Isshin and Kodansha and the studio white fox. Katanagatari is an anime with twelve episodes each episode being more or less a hour long which were shown one episode per month. But lets get to the actuall content. HAJIME!!!

"And what is your wish? If you want in you know i am just doing it because of a deal i made and some personal preferences." asked Knight.  "Yes we want to show some of them what Rome means. For humanity is part of rome." said Romulus "And i want to laugh sing and dance for them and cause them all to laught sing and dance too. For that is part of what it means to be alive." said Nero while she twirled around. leaving rose petals everywhere.

"Well then how about this. Then there are some roman and greek demigods right next door you can teach them if you want to." said Knight. "Well then. we have to teach how those demigods are proper Romans. For that too is Rome." said Romulus before he and Nero went to the next studio.

"Well then what is next?" asked Yang. "Oh yeah right. You are avenging the murder of your loved one infront of your eyes." said Knight. "... What?" asked Yang shocked. "well Blake got you of an island where you lived with your family to take you for a hunt of 11 blades made by a famous smith named Shikizaki kiki. You fell in love with her, collected the blades with her and when the journey was over was Blake shot by the shogunate, the rulers, by an assasin with the twelve blade of Shikizaki kiki. Honestly the story is actually pretty good." said Knight.

"Well atleast Ruby lives." said Yang. "Nope she is dead. Her chest was run through with an large object. Actually you are also in posession of said object." said Knight. "WHAT?!" shouted Rubys family. "Can you stretch out your arm please." said Knight to Yang. "Why?" shouted Yang. "Ruby Rose was, after extended exposure to akutou bita, the vile blade, stabbed by your hand after all. But don't worry the other version had already an extensive killstreak going and her body was weak she wouldn't have lived long even with akutou bita. It was more like mercy killing." said Knight. " Wa wa what about dad?" asked Yang shocked.

"Died by your hand when you were eleven i think. But before he got on that island he killed an army opposing the goverment. The leader was Blakes father. And she watched the murder causing her hair to turn white through some reason i don't fully understand. Well after the sword hunt was Blake killed by Adam Taurus who was under the command of one of Shikizaki kiki descandents. Now we are here watching you in your vengefull attack. You use Shikizaki Kikis thirteens blade. A martial arts form called Kyoutoryuu even if it is more accurate to say it is a form of sword fighting by turning your whole body into a blade on the cost of ever holding a blade yourself. So lets go to see you kill Adam!" shouted Knight happy as he then threw away all the notes away he hid in his hands like confetti.

The entire audience was shocked by what Knight just said. Most of all Yang. "What?" asked Yang in complete shock just realising that her otherself had basicly killed almost her entire family. "For what reason?" asked Yang trying to find something of a good and justified reason for all this. "Well your otherselves father i have no idea. Your otherselves sister basicly mercy killing would be the most accurate. That and the fact that she said that she would kill Blake, the monks in the temple and you. She basicly learned the same martial arts as you just by looking basicly." said Knight. 

"Are you sure she was dead? i mean..." began Yang. "Well i am no doctor by i am fairly certain that having a hole as wide as your arm in your chest going from front till back while basicly hitting every vital organ imanigable is not exactly the perfect picture for health." said Knight.

"We-we-well..." said Yang slowly breaking down over the fact that there was a version of her who would kill her sister. "Don't worry it is after all just another version so it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't effect here." said Ruby.  After catching herself Yang said:" Yeah thats right. So play the clip. I want to see vegeance. And who is that Adam idiot!" shouted Yang. "Adam Taurus is part of the white fang Yang. He is extremly dangerous. His semblance is similar to yours. He uses his sword to charge up with energy before he releases it." said Blake terrified. "Youst another thing i have to think about!" said Yang pridefull.

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