by sword and guitar

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I don't own the book of life or rwby. This is an old request so it was about time that it was fullfilled.

"Hey Mr Shadow i have a question." said Ruby. "What info do you require?" said Mr Shadow. "We know that you appared in a grail war against gilgamesh and enkidu. But what exactly can you do outside the , you know... obvious?" asked Ruby.

"The appearance of me you mentioned is not complete. What you saw was the pale rider under the name of pestilence. A part of me." said Mr Shadow.

"What?" asked Yang.

"Gods and immortal beings with such large fields of work as him often have multiple facets active at the same time to make it easier. It is like having multiple terminals for the same system with Mr Shadow here being the main computer. Even servants have multiple different aspects of them taking over the whole personality sometimes. Like vlad in his lancer form is a devoted blood thirsty warrior of god while in his berserker form, or his second lancer form if he is summoned in rumania, is more that of a ruler." said Knight before going   closer in detail on Mr Shadow.

"That way Pestilence is Mr Shadow but not the other way around. His version as pestilence is most probably his version as "Death through illness" with the most reknown being the black death also known as the bubonic plaque pandemic in the 14 century. The pest killed of 50% of europe in medival times. While in europe it was the most devastating it orignally came from asia and was transported to europe through fleas on rats which had hidden themself on boats from asia." said Knight thankfull that his immortality included that he doesn't get ill.

"So that guy Ruby has is basicly every kind of death personified while the one we watched in the video had illnesses in the foreground." said Blake shocked. She noted down to freshen up her vaccinations once they are out. And maybe add a few new vaccinations for the rather "exotic" illnesses of mistral and vacuo.

"And if Ruby wishes it i can release the upgraded medicine proof version of the plaque. Or load it for her into bullets. I can also teach her the spells to invoke them." said Mr Shadow who produces a vial of his most deadly virus. Naturally he created the vial after making sure that Ruby got a skill which prevents her from getting ill.

"No no no no no. No release of deadly viruses who could potentially kill of all of remnant!" said Ruby. "I can also create a computer virus if you wish." said Mr Shadow. "Nope." said Ruby while Penny was slightly scared at the thought of a virus created by Death itself. 

"Can you bring people back from the dead?" asked Ruby. "Yes but so can most gods working for my domain. Why the question?" said Mr Shadow "Knight paged me to ask the last question." said Ruby. 

"Hey. I just wanted some smooth transition to the next video. Anyway. This brings us to the next video with a return of the Don Juan. Or better known as Jaune, the bull fighter who went on journey through the underworld to be reunited with his love." said Knight. "And i thought you didn't like me." said Jaune. 

"I don't like you. I am still waiting for a good reason to throw fireballs at you. I just like the story of the bull fighter version of you. I like him more then you." said Knight. "Fair enough i suppose." said Jaune happy that he still haven't given Knight a viable reason for something more serious then refusing to give him the salt and the occasional surprise flick to the forehead during training for the hunt. And a flick to the forehead from someone who can casually bend metal really hurt.

"Weirdly enough he always come from my right side." thought Jaune who always got his right shoulder tapped and then received the flick when he wasn't paying attention.

"Anyways! Time to watch Jaune sing himself through the trial of the underworld gods to get back to life." said Knight.

"Wait... My otherself died!" shouted Jaune. "He died!" shouted rest. "Everyone dies eventually. Normal humans are just feeble." said Salem. "not on old age." said Jaune. "Oh yes. Ehem. He died." said Salem trying to make it convincing that she is shocked. "9 in effort. 2 for acting." said Yang. "meh. Good enough for me." said Salem while sipping completely unconcerned on her morning drink.

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