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Dear lord the guy who suggested this has to get a fucking statue! As soon as i read his suggestion i dropped everything i had at that moment and began to work on this chapter so fast the keyboards were smoking! Gurren langan belongs to glorious studio trigger and Rwby to Roosterteeth. I had to search through seven websites to find the whole fight because Youtube did not have it in good enought quality and ended up using the whole movie from 1:44:02 to 1:52:20 but it was worth it! Using all 8 manly minutes with the even more giant mech fight!!! KAMINA!!! SIMON!!! GIGA! DRILL!! BREEEAAAAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"We are watching Tengen! Toppa! Gurren! Langan!" shouted Knight while ripping his shirt of to reveal another Shirt which said" Who the hell do you think i am?!" with an erupting vulcano in the back ground and put on a pair of orange translucent glasses. "The what now?" asked Weiss. "We are watching the crown juwel of human fighting spirit! The master of mech fights! And the very picture of defying someone!" shouted Knight while beginning to pose letting his muscles play.

"So what?" asked Salem. "We are watching team dai gurren fighting against antispiral, someone who could be considered a god, with mechs running on fighting spirit and stubborness! Because he stole Simons love and wanted to kill of humanity! They are known for making the impossible possible! they defeated Lord genome who was blided by his own ambition and trapped by his fear! He is now helping them after they defeated him!" there was so much testosteron and happiness that Knight pulled a Quandisimo magnifico, ripping his shirt multiple times in quick suggestion and reequiping it just to have it ripped again.

"Mech fight! Mech fight! Mech fight!" shouted Knight, ruby, jaune, Nora, Yang and Summer.

"it is impossible that a robot runs on fighting spirit." said Watts. "But we have an android with aura. Also there mechs turn their emotions basicly to energy so it's fine." said Knight. "Wait Penny is an android?" asked Yang. "Y-yes." said Penny. "Cool" said Yang and went back to watching at the screen. "thats everything. No additional questions. No nothing?" asked Penny. "Yep i mean from grimm over to an immortal lovers spat on to metting a literal fire god there is nothing which could realy surprise us." answered Blake this time. "penny you are still you so it is good enough." said Ruby.

Penny then began to hug all of them out of happiness and let go when the movie began.

(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEHHHH i am so excited i have already seen it but still i shouted everytime giga drill break when it happened)

The first thing to see was antispiral chargin himself up. "I'm reading a massive energy build up!" said a person on the instruments "It's on par with the birth of the universe" said Leeron. "It's almost a big bang." "and they are going to hit us with that?" said Viral serious.

Everyone was shocked that a being could produce that much energy. "Welp there goes the aaaaaaaaaah." splash. Weiss has done the same thing again when they saw the titania video. "There is still more video so shut up! And take your pessimistic view with you!" shouted Weiss down the hatch. "Wow i did not know you could be so physicly aggressive ice queen." said Yang. "Shut up dolt." said Weiss while she secretly herself is a fan of mech fights.

Anti spirals giant purple mech could be seen while he shouted. "Infinity big bang storm!" He then shoot the beam directly at all the mechs of team dai gurren which created new galaxys in the galaxy full space. "Burn in the everlasting hellfire of the universe's creation! be utterly annihilated, down to the very last scrap of DNA!" shouted Anti spiral while looking happy. "Hang in there Darry!" said Gimmy while they were both blown back. "You to Gimmy!" said Darry.  "Crap" said Simmon while being blown back. Two more were blown back and lost their spiral energy. "This is bad! we can't take muich more of this!" said Jokin.

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