A happy trenchmas

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The video belongs to Yarnhub and sabaton. Rwby belongs to roosterteeth. Now lets get this christmas wonder rolling. funny enough it was a really really good suggestion which i didn't even consider for pushing out chapters basicly every two days. Well have fun.

It is jingeling time:

On the seventh day of christmas my reader gave to me

Seven history books

Six lights of wonder

Five action heroes

four vampiric elves

Three sick beats

two singing blacksmiths

and a reindeer on a killing spree

"Well we are now watching the christmas wonder from around 1914. It would be easier to watch the then explain. Lets just say we are in a war even bigger then the great war. We are speaking trench warfare, poisonous gas and so on." said Knight and turned on the screen. "Holy shit." said Qrow shocked. "well lets see what the wonder is." said Ozpin.

"It's the night of December 24th, 1914 (ok that felt weird and wrong to write the date that way) on the western front The industrial might of the new 20th century has so far been focused into a war that has been going on now for 5 months. Everyone thought it would be over by christmas, but sadly such hopes now died alongside the young men in the clinging mud and cold of the trenches." told the narrator while animation was seen of the first world war.

"Oh dear oum that is terrible!" said Glynda while holding her hands infront of her mouth. "Oh that thing gets even worse. I am fairly certain half of the things for the geneva convention was established in that war. The geneva convention is a contract that declares war crimes or crimes against humanity which still had to be held onto even in war." said Knight. "Wait a thing like that exists. We have the vytal treaty which is basicly a loosely treated non aggression pack." said Winter.

"On the run up to Christmas Pope Benedict XV(15) begged the warring goverments to call a truce and asked that, "that the guns may fall silent atleast upon the night the angels sang" but it was no use." told the narrator with a leader saying never.

"As exspected. Military personell can be a bit hard headed. Even if it means peace there is never rest for the officers for the war efforts if said officers are just far enough away from the front lines." said Qrow. "I am emberassed to admit that that is true." said Ozpin.

"In the trenches, sometimes just 30 metres apart, the men of both sides often shout insults to each other above the sounds of battle." said the narrator while explosions could be seen. "On christmas Eve a cry comes over from the german side. In broken English "Tomorrow, you no shoot, we no shoot!". The British and french are incredulous. Then along the trenches, there's a movement. But instead of seeing the sight of men going over the top, this time, pushed up above the top of the trenches Christmas trees start to appear along the german lines, lit up by flickering candles." said the narator while christmas trees could be seen and the soldiers saying to wait.

"Well here we have an attempt for christmas peace. But who is so foolish to belief that?" asked Raven. "Who knows? They were in war for five month, so they could be tired of it by now." said Summer. "Also a good point. Depending on the soldiers will to fight they might consider that as an option." said Ozpin.

"Is it a ruse, could it be real? Could the regular soldiers on the front lines make a peace at christmas when the church could not?" said the narrator while showing that everything was indeed peacefull.

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