The ice princess and the yokai! Proloque

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I have recently began to replay Nioh2 and ghost of Tsushima while watching Nura rise of the demon clan, mononoke and onimusha so here we are. I don't own the pictures or Rwby and the credit goes to their creators. So here you have Rwby in ancient japan. If someone has some aditional worlds to which you want to see i will try to make it. Be it Jnpr in the soviet union, STRQ as vikings or team RWBY as yokai. I could have them in a world where they are creatures of folklore. (ps. Did you know i don't own Rwby or any of the pictures? shocking i know but true)

If the suggestion is good i will try to make it. If it is boring like a story i have read a few thousand times like for example one of the few thousands edgy betrayed op harem super jaune from arcadia storys with him being a sex god on a path of vengeance which make my blood pressure rise to a unreasonable height. 

It rises to the same extent like everytime when i step on legos, or a price tag is fucking 0,99 euro and i get one god damn cent back, there is just one goddamn piece of toilet paper or when someone interrups me while i am in videogame mode by standing infront of the fucking monitor to get my bloody attention and i loose because of that an important match, then no i will NOT do it. 

That is not only for your sake so that i not suddenly explode on you but also for my sake not to suddenly land in ER because my fucking heart pumps so much blood around that i look like a Donald duck who just saw how his little nephews got punched and is now completly red with bloodshot eyes and tries to rip out someones god forsaken throat. 

You can also give a good plot if you want. Simply imagine me being a ghost writer. But remember i write your name on the very first paragraph then. I write this because i want to explain the rules of that so you can not say i didn't warn ya. You could also sent fan art as help or make on bit of fan art your self and let me make a story to it. But if it is someone else fan art make sure to find out who it made atleast. 

Also sent the suggestion one time not two or three or half a dozen times. It only makes me not to do it if you ask half a dozen times if i do it.

"Well after that is over we have to move on this time with a little different programm." said Knight and transformed his shirt and trousers into the cloth he wore when he stomped through Japan and killed everything that dared to attack him. He now wore a grey kimono, a black obi, a dark grey hakama pants, white tabi, the usual straw sandals, and a haori jacket on top of the kimono.

Because the original haori, which was only black, was badly damaged, a spear and a few fireballs could do that. Because of that it was replaced with a black haori where spiderlilys where stitched on to it that look like they really move on the cloth. On his side was a katana instead of his usual longsword. His hair reaches him to his knees with the two wolf ears being seen ontop. He holds a pipe and a seemingly ever full sake bowl in his hands no matter how much gets spilled. Held by the black obi was a fan.

"Wow nice change cloth." said Yang. "Thanks. That is actually how i looked like as a sword god and not as my usual self. Actually it is kinda emberassing to be seen like that because i usually just gave swordmiths blessings and destroyed monsters instead of being the normal god and making sure children grew up healthy and happy with loving parents or making sure everyone always has enough food. Really i don't really feel divine enough for this get up." said Knight slightly emberassed with cheeks taking on a more red hue while his ears twitched before shaking his head violently and taking on a more confident look.

"Anyways." began Knight after clearing his throat. "Today we are watching. A story in ancient japan. Weisses story to be fair." said Knight who showed his being as japanese sword god instead as his normal apperance as a european knight. "Wow the ice princess is now really a princess." teased Yang. "Oh shut it you brute." said Weiss but still smiling.

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