Yippie-ki-Yay, Motherf*cker

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I don't own Die hard or Rwby. This is in my opinion one of the funniest scenes in the movie next to the bad guy stealing candy from a candy shop. Well put boots and cigars out infront of the chimney for you see a scene from one of the best christmas movies in history. Seriously "Die hard" is the christmas movie here.

On the fifth day of Christmas my readers gave to me:

Five action heroes

Four vampiric elves

three sick beats

two singing blacksmiths

and a reindeer on a killing spree

"Well. Is Qrow alive?" asked Knight Asclepius after Qrows face has taken on a normal color and he stopped foaming out of his mouth, but he was still knocked out. Knight had also already sent Coco and Velvet back. 

"He will be fine. His liver is because of the alcohol already shot to hell and back but this aura should cleanse out the rest of the poison. You!" said Asclepius and then pointed at Ruby. "Me!" said Ruby shocked. "Are you a family member?" asked Asclepius stern. "Ehm yes." said Ruby unsure. Asclepius then pulled out a pack of pills and gave it to her as well as two pieces of paper.

"When he wakes up make sure that he drinks one glass of water to each pill. He has to take three pills a day with 8 hours in between every time he drinks one. That should also fix up his liver. But make sure that he drinks less. Best would be if he stops drinking entirely because if not i will cut this stupid patient open and see how his aura works myself to observe him and advance medicine." said Asclepius already pulling out a skalpel and a bone saw with the nurse Nightingale behind him already pulling out the leather straps to hold Qrow down. 

"I don't think that will be necessary!" said Summer hasty. "And what is this peace of paper?" asked Yang. "That is a receipe in case the alters start cooking again and you need a antidote again. That behind it is the bill. While healthcare is free i am not. For you atleast until you have decided to join chaldea. You can pay in Qp, Saintquartz or being part of medical experiments every time you are ill." said Asclepius with a dead stare before putting away his instruments.

"Do you take lien?" asked Yang anxious. "No." said Asclepius and then walked away with Nightingale following him. "Well. Money through odd jobs it is i suppose." said Ruby slightly less cheery. "Well we can then go on many sisterly adventures." said Yang hugging her sister with one arm. "hehe. Yeah. That's true." said Ruby with a smile. "And don't you dare think that you are doing that alone. We are doing that as a team. Even if you use your share to help pay off qrows bills." said Weiss. "We will gladly help you." said Blake. "Awww thanks guys." the sisters said

"Well anyways here we are looking at another video. This one is special. Here the nakatomy Plaza was taken hostage by what could be siad extravagant and smart thieves. John McClain is part of the police who wanted to visit his wife. But he was surprised when that happened and is now one of the few people helping the hostages survive by a) getting help and b) by killing everyone of the criminals. A christmas adventure for all families." said Knight happy.

"oooh that sounds nice." said Nora. "This sound atleast way better then to simply hear Qrow breathing." said Raven. "Aren't you at least a little bit concerned for your brother?" asked Winter slightly angry. "He is strong so he will survive without a doubt. For if you are stupid you better be tought." said Raven. "Gods be damned i hate her." whispered Winter to Watts. "You aren't the only one there." said Watts with a sneer.

"Well time for the video. Here he is calling for help to the police over a walkie talkie" said Knight and turned on the screen.

 John Mcclain could be seen standing on the roof of the building and looked around to be sure that he is alone before he pulled out the walkie talkie and began to radio the police. "mayday Mayday. Anyone copy channel nine. Terrorists have seized the Nakatomi building and are holding atleast thirty people hostage. I repeat unknown number of terrorists. Six or more are armed with automatic weapons at Nakatomy plaza century city." said John Mcclain.

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