K.O !!

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And we are back. I probably should sleep because 72 hours of continued awareness and caffeine, which slowly loses it's effect on me, is probably not healthy. And the moment where the coffee stops working i most probably hvhjmnhjvbdsnaasjlk ghujiolh. yep hit my head on the keyboard and take and a nap. Well back in the game. I don't own the Kekkai sensen(bloodbaricade battle front), and i don't own Rwby, which is owned by... i have not a freaking idea since Rooster teeth closing down so most probably warner brothers at the moment. but oh well atleast i can still provide some Rwby content. Have fun.

(If you are reading this then i most probably already hit the deck and called it a day while sleeping in a warm and mediocerly uncomfortable bed while my cat tries to get my attention by punching me repeatedly in the face with it's paws. Either that or i am awake again after a short nap and back at work.)

"Raikou. What did master say again about adopting children?" asked Knight while he and Raikou stood on opposite sides of the seats. She was holding Ren, Nora and weirdly enough Ruby and Yang in her arms. She was also carrying two giant weirdly shaped white bags on her back.

"But they all need more motherly love. Two are orphans while the other two didn't have their mothers until a few month ago. And two of them have parents which don't care about them. They need more motherly love." said Raikou refusing to let go. 

"I know but let them down. Two of them already have parent. Sure one of them was dead for round about a decade and a few years while the other was a deadbeat parent of lancelot class for around 18 years before she got changed a few month ago but that doesn't mean you can adopt them. And they had a loving father and a semi sober loving uncle." said Knight while chasing his teammate from the london singularity around the line of chairs.

"Ehm why do i find my children in the arms of a berserker with their friends and why does she want to adopt them?!" asked Summer shocked and most possibly bamboozeled when she came in. "Miss Minamotou only heared the life story of them recently for she was away on alot of missions which took more time then she exspected. So she took it upon herself to, admitedly forcefully, adopt them." said Ozpin while holding his newly broken ribs.

"Also didn't you already adopt the masters and every motherless child servant here in chaldea who didn't find a family, like little Jack." said Knight while chasing her now counterclock wise. "A mother can never have to many children. My Kintoki would love to have more siblings." said Raikou while running in a circle with the people from Remnant in her arms.

"Can you please stop running in circles. I think i am gonna puke." said Nora while already getting green in her face. "Miss Raikou. We understand your concern but please let us down." said Ren desperate to get out of her embrace while being tightly pressed to her chest.

"But..." began Raikou. "Raikou, i know you are just concerned for our wellbeing but we will be fine. trust us. We are all big people now. We grew up great. Thank you for caring about us but i really want to my mom." said Ruby while still in her arms. "But... but... fine." said Raikou defeated and let them down.

"Also Weiss and Winter." said Ruby. Raikou groaned and let the giant white backpacks down which were in reality Schneebags(similar to the rama bag nightingale used in the american singularity to transport rama).

"This was one of the most terrifying yet comfortable experiences i ever had." said Weiss while still a bit woozy from the fact that she was strapped to the back of a crazy berserker and having already played fifty eight rounds of the high speed running game "god tries to catch the samurai by running a circle around a seat with the samurai doing the same" while being strapped to said berserkers back.

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