A saints history

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Well here we are looking at Santas history. Or sometimes also called good old saint nick. Funny enough here in germany he has a seperate holiday on the 6th december while christmas itself celebrates the birth of christ here. Well normaly but somehow christmas got a bit mixed with other cultures and badabing badabum we have a santa claus now with the nickolaus day also still there. YOu get presents on both days. Anyway i still don't own Rwby or the video. They belong to their respective owners. Time for the jingle:

On the tenth day of christmas my readers gave to me:

Ten kind saints

nine golden recipes

eight christmas cookies

seven history books

six lights of wonder

five action heroes

four  vampiric elves

three sick beats

two singing blacksmith

and a reindeer on a killing spree

"Well now that we have gathered again, and survived a few minor poisons, it is time for the next video. This one is about the possible origin of santa clause. So just make sure not to say it to much to the servants with christmas origin ok." said Knight. "OK" the entire cast said. "Well..." said Knight and put on his christmas hat. It was a typical santa hat with a large brass bell at the end. "Time for some santaing." said Knight and pushed the button on his remote.

"Activating hot chocolate dispenser." said a voice and gave him a large cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. "Ahh nothing is better in a cold time like this then hot chocolat with marshmallows and whipped cream." said Knight. "Can we also get one?" asked Ruby. "Oh yes hit the button." said Knight. When everyone was had a hot choco, or in Ozpins case sipped out of an infinity mug, Knight turned on the screen.

If you hear the name of Nicholas people often think of a happy slightly overweight man in a red suit who gives out gifts and makes people happy. But the origin of this person are much older and deeply rooted in the christian church and tradition.

"Well that is interesting. This person was probably changed over the course of centurys." said Doctor Oobleck. "It really is... Wait Bart! I thought you were sent back to Remnant!" said Glynda shocked. "Well i bunkered down in the libary here. A real nice place i have to say with even nicer librarians. Anyways i was apparently forgotten there before i helped Davinci to clean up her room where i was then left forgotten for multiple months. I have to say for a universal genius she doesn't clean up very well." said Oobleck. 

"...How about  we just ignore all that craziness and go back to watching this video before someone goes crazy?" asked Qrow. "That would be for the best." said Ozpin

The figure of santa clause goes back to Saint Nicholas of Myra. A saint who lived in the fourth century. He was born in the late third century in patada in lykien, in the country which is named Turkey today. Nicholas is usally reverred too as the protector of the poor and oppressed.

"So he was born around 17 to 18 centurys ago. That is enough time for people to form an entirely new myth based on him." said Oobleck. "Have you actually met him? I mean with you being a god and all and having lived long enough to meet various people." said Ruby shy. "Well no. I was a bit farther away. But i had heared about him. And if i met him i would have probably immediatly forgotten him. I was quite a airhead at that time." said Knight emberassed. 

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