Two monsters meeting

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Fate strange Fake belongs to type moon and Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. I make no money whatsoever. And yes i have seen the whole episode of Fate strange Fake and it was the best first episode i have seen for some time. And sorry but i could not find the whole fight.

"I am back and here you are." said Knight with a smile which hides his sadistic intentions. He was holding his sword in his hands. It was a double edged two handed european sword with a damask blade and a silver cross guard. The grip was coated in black leather and the sword pommel was a ten sided silver cylinder with a symbol on each side. 

But what everyone knew when they saw that weapon was that it was not normal. They had the same fealing as if they were looking at a giant bomb capable of wiping an entire city from the map. When Merlin saw that blade he immeadetly stepped a few steps back in shock. "H-hey Knight we wouldn't want to overreact right. We could..." befor Merlin could talk anymore he was ensnared in golden chains.

"There you are you flower bastard. Time to bring justice to you." said Gilgamesh with chains coming out of his portals and Enkidu right behind him. They then began to drag off the mage of flowers back to novum chaldea with the screaming and begging Merlin behind them. "Who are they?" asked Weiss curious. "This was Gilgamesh. The first hero of humanity and King of heroes. Behind him was Enkidu. The Chain of heavens. They are extremly strong." answered Knight. "Are you sure they are strong. They look like i could beat them." said Raven pridefull. She exspected anger or confusion from Knight.

What she did not exspect was him laughting so loud and hard that he fell to the ground and rolled around as if she had told him a joke with lethal laughting capability. He stopped to take breath, then saw her and began laughting again. This went on for half an hour. 

"Knight. How strong are they?" asked Glynda. "Strong enought to conquer Remnant in about half an hour if they wanted to." Knight answered while laughting. "Can e please get an example of their power. Please. pretty please." said Ruby. "I don't know there..." Knight began then he looked in Rubys puppy dog eyes. You can say what you want but at heart he was and always will be soft. Resigning to his fate he gave Ruby a bag of cookies to stop Ruby from using that further activated the "Anti ea" safty precautions and pressed the button on his remote to further activate the auto repair function for everything.

"Remember they are summoned as servants, so a hero spirit which is bound by a master. Meaning they are sevearly weakened her. This is a clip of Gilgamesh vs Enkidu in a fake grail war. Oh and the guest of surprise are..." said Knight and out of an portal came Ozpin and Salem bickering like children. 

"Hey Salem over here." said knight to guide her to her seat. She saw him and immeadetly her mood got better at the sight of the one god she could call her friend. 

"Knight to what do i owe the honor to meet you again. Our regular tea time is still a week away." said Salem with a slight smile. "Well Ruby here wanted to see a video over the king of heroes and the chain of heavens. So i thought maybe you should see a few individuals that are stronger then the part time gods. Also it would be amusing to see Ozpin in complete shock." said Knight while whispering the last part. "Well who am i to say no and do they know?" said Salem with Knight nodding. Immeadetly her mood gained the new high of the century.

"I know she is not evil but with that smile on her face she just looks like an extravagant faunus going to a new movie instead of a Grimm queen." whispered Qrow to Summer and Raven with them nodding. "Well child now with the truth out what do you think of the world?" Salem said immeadetly as she saw Ruby. 

Ruby thought and thought until she answered: "Well while Ozpin did lie and the gods that created Remnant do not care about us, i still will protect remnant with everything i got because there are still nice people in the world and bad guys that need punishment. Also if the gods ever come back who knows maybe they get a 50 cal up there bum. Also there are still some nice gods there. Knight for example. he brought Mom back So water under the bridge with you. And he fixed Blakes problems. And he still tries at Raven." 

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