One ticket to hell please. First class of course

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Wolfenstein belongs to bethesda and Activision and Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. Please hear the battle with music from Sabaton at your choice. I choose army of the night. powerwolf also works. By the way did you know that wolfenstein is censored in Germany. Meaning there are no nazis but the "Regime" and nothing which would even indicate that they exist in the game versions from here. You could say most of the game dialoques are a bit rewritten here in germany. And the surroundings. And the character designs a bit. I know that because i have two german version wolfenstein games myself. So you read the story while i pray that wattpad lets me get away with this.

"We are watching someone fighting against a terribel regime. The regime, also known as nazis, have killed most people who are against their ideology." said Knight and turned on the monitor while the people from remnant are shocked to hell and back that some group would do that because of their ideology and a man with a stupid beard. Except blake who would think that adam would totally do that. And he is surely not just used as Johnny Cages punching bag for practicing his signature move the "bloodline ender" because the host had a bone to pick with him.

(I am cutting out the first 35 seconds because that are just logos which i am not allowed to use)

It first showed the Nazi Warship Tirpitz which is 5 Miles off the english coast in a cloudy moonlit night. "two minutes until missile launch. All hands man your stations." said Someone through the speaker system. It then showed someone running to the general of the ship. "general. General we believe there is a spy on board. Should we delay the missile launch on london?" asked the marine. 

"What do they mean with missile launch?" asked Ruby scared. "Well they were apparently planning to fire a missile at on of the capitals of england probably killing everyone there." answered Knight. "Despicible why would anyone do such a thing!!" said Weiss. "The same reason why they are fighting in the first place, because they are following their code and orders." answered Knight.

The general looks on his watch and the marine saw that the supposed general wore military boots. "What" he said and tried to pull his gun but he was quickly he and his comrades were quickly dispatched. 

"To be found out by wearing the wrong shoes. It is kinda emberassing." said Blake while remembering that sneakers and soldier uniforms while infiltrating a miltary base also don't work. "memo to self. Invent form changing shoes for stealth missions." said Watts in to his scroll recording that tip.

But because it was not exactly subtile everyone now knew that he was the enemy. As everyone then began to shoot he ran to the main deck but then was pinned by a heavy cannon. the missiles began too launch. He shot with his pistole at the gunner but he was shielded by thick metal plates. As he realised, that he could not shoot him, he shot at the ropes holding the boat which then fell on the gunner.

"Well you have to admit while he is not that silent he sure is creative." said Qrow to Summer. "But how far will that creativity bring him when everybody on the boat knowes that he is there." said Raven. "Lets hope that it is far enought." said Ozpin in his wise men voice.

He jumped over the boat, swung on a rope to the next plattform and landet perfectly there. He saw the next person he wanted to beat up but was stopped by a soldier shouting to him to surrender while the rest surrounded him with all the guns pointed at him. "You will not escape that easily. What is in that pocket? Show me!" said the Captain which he beat up in the beginning. The man then pulled out a blue glowing device. "It's a bomb! Shoot him!" the captain shouted with everyone beginning to fire. He pointed the device at the group which then produced a shield which blocked their bullets. The shield the shot forward and incinerated everyone it hit. 

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