I am one, i am all and i am also you

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I don't own Fullmetal alchemist or Rwby. Rwby is owned by Roosterteeth and Fullmetal alchemist belongs to the companys bones and Square enix. Lets reveal a bit of truth here and keep a promise now shall we.

"Well as you can see we are in a new studio because the old one got... attacked. But don't worry everything is the same here. Even the trapdoors." said Knight. Everyone was still realing from the shock of being almost devoured by a black hole. "Well how about we forget what happened and go back to watching things." said Knight. "That seems for the best i suppose." said Ozpin. "well we are watching another universe we already know. With Arthur Watts as the main character." said Knight. "With me! I don't know what to say. Who do i get?" asked Watts excited.

"An immortal homunculus. You made a contract with Rubys and Yangs father there making both of you figurativly immortal but you have been beaten after you obtained a new body. So now you are standing before figurativly the definition of alchemy with a question after stealing, absorbing and then losing god and his knowledge after you were defeated." said Knight. That silenced everyone. "Does it get better?" asked Watts angry. 

"Well your otherself killed a shit ton of people, created homunculi based on the seven deadly sins and you did some pretty fucked up shit there if it is a condolence." said Knight. "How fucked up are we talking about?" asked Yang. 

"How about using millions of souls to create a cognitive mass murdering beings by purging your own seven vices or also known as deadly sins or to feed your own powers with souls and to stay immortal with the soul count already way over a million." said Knight. "Yeah that works. Now i don't feel sorry for him anymore." said Watts. "Thats the spirit." said Knight and turned on the screen.

"Why?! I wanted to know everything about this world!" shouted Watts while his body crumbeles and he is suck to somewhere else. Tai looked at him shocked. "Without being bound by anything! Free in the vast world! I.....!" shouted Watts before he was sucked to the world of alchemy with Yang and a bunch of soldiers watching it.

"Well what happened here?" asked Watts as he saw that. "You wanted more souls so you attacked because you struggeled to stabilize the god soul inside of you. And you were defeated." said Knight. "Well that tracks but what am i doing there?" asked Yang. "You and Ruby helped to defeat him and after a few things happened you did." said Knight. "Hell yeah the sisters are kicking ass even in other dimensions." said Yang and made a high five with Ruby. "Yeah." said Ruby excited

The next thing which could be seen was a completely white world with a single blank black gate there. Infront of said gate was the dwarf in the flask also known as Arthur watts in his original form. "Why? Why wouldn't you become mine? God! What is it you didn't like about me?!" said Watts.

"That is me?!" shouted Watts shocked. "Yep you were born out of Tais blood and a splinter of gods knowledge. That is how you originally looked before you created an immortal body, took in millions of souls and a god. Originally you couldn't even survive outside the flask you were created in." said Knight. "And the gate behind him?" asked Salem scared. "That is the gate of truth. It is inscribed with all the knowledge an alchemist painstakingly learned. And behind it is the rest." said Knight. 

"But... it is empty." said Piedro. "Well what is the only reason he knows so much more then the beginning yet has an empty gate?" asked Knight. Realising what his otherself did Watts became furious. 

"He stole it. He stole the knowledge and power others obtained with their hard work like a common thief valuables! This self entiteled little piece of shit stole the knowledge like that accursed Fall girl stealing the maiden powers! I refuse to acknowledge that this is a different version of me if it is even somewhat similar to that entiteled little brat!" shouted Watts angry. 

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