Gearing up for war

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Well here we go again. We are back in smaller videos. I don't own Gears of war(and probably never will) and I do not own Rwby(and which will also never happen). Well, well well. I have never played gears of war so if it sounds a bit lackluster i am sorry but i have barely any idea what is happening in those games. So can someone give me a quick overside? Espicially the one who suggested it for you have three more of those suggestions there and my knowledge of it is memes.

"You have no idea what i saw man. There was Merlin. He was doing that stuff man. I have seen IT! He was doing that to my sister. He dicked her!" said Jaune manic while grabbing Knights collar after Merlin removed all the curses on him. 

"christ on a stick! let go before i burn your hands off." said Knight while trying to get Jaune off of him. 

"What Merlin did was really bad." said Pyrrha angry, but not willing to let her own ass be mended together. "Well. Atleast he did it with a good intention." tried Ruby to see the positive. "Ruby. Jaune was mentally tortured in a way that most people leave screaming. In what way would..."began Weiss. "I am gonna train. I am gonna train until i can beat that dick wizard into a pulp. I am will kill that man." said Jaune angry.

"See. Vengeance is always a great motivator. Good intention fullfilled." said Knight. 

"I will study the dark arts and learn how to do that damn "brasilian wax spell" he talk on dnd nights about." said Jaune angry on his path of being edgy. "Ok boy scout, cool your horses before something bad happens that equals to half of remnant being an ocean of flames." said Knight.

"Did... did you just threaten me with burning down half of remnant if i don't calm down?" asked Jaune confused. "And it worked. Didn't it?" asked Knight. "Well i suppose." said jaune. "Good enough for me. So..." said Knight before clapping in his hands. "Where are the rest?" he asked realising that Blake and Yang are missing together with the thieves. 

"Well Yang and Blake just on a quick snack tour while Roman and Neo..." said Ruby before Roman and Neo came in holding a dubious red bundle.

"Well start the video." said Roman suspicious with Neo nodding.

"Ehm okay?" said Knight unsure and hit the wall he was leaning on. A door opened itself and revealed two levers. "Well time to..." began Knight. "Oh hell no. I still remember how that ended the first time you pulled that lever. So i am gonna pull it." said Glynda angry and pulled the lever only for her to fall down the chute and splash into the water.

"Sigh.... Hi fluffy." said Glynda. Fluffy growled happy and wagged his tail happily as he accopanied her back to the theatre with the occasional servant saying hello to Fluffy the aligator.

"Thanks fluffy." said Glynda as she was back in the theatre. Fluffy growled happy before jumping down the chute with a piece of chicken Knight gave him from the fridge.

"Well then time for the video." said Knight and pulled the lever for the screen.

It all started with a black screen which turned into a peacefull night in natures embrace. "It began, as always, with the desire for power." said a mysterious female voice of the off. The camera then showed that the forrest was now largely gone with machines grinding for minerals in a barren half molten wasteland.

"Well that was some change here." said Yang trying to make a joke at the somber changes she saw. "I am more asking myself what they are mining Do you know of it?" asked Weiss Knight who simply held up a sign. A answer to the times he is asked to know something of the modern world outside of the more common knowledge. 

"Died 1000 years before something similar existed. How the fuck should i know." read Weiss. "Valid answer in my opinion." said Raven. "Absolutely." said an unknown voice. "Who said that?" asked Jaune with no one answering. "Must be my paranoia." said Jaune.

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