In darkest night and brightest day

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Malcolm in the middle belongs to Satin City and Regency Television in association with Fox 21 Television Studios (now known as Touchstone Television) and Rwby belongs to roosterteeth. Warning the screen will get bright so it is advised to have sunglasses and sunscreen on. Don't say i did not warn you because i did. Just now. At this moment. Ok enjoy the reaction.

"Well now we are reacting to two siblings going bad shit insane to bring the fun of their third sibling back. In this one Nora is related to Ruby and Yang with Yang being the sibling they want to bring back into the world of fun and happiness." said Knight. Shocked said Yang: "what happened that i did become an unpunny person?" Groans from everyone. "You married, got a job on a ranch, a stable enviroment. To make long things short you became boring in a constant cycle of mediocricy which siphoned the creativity out of you. And no there are no Grimm."answered Knight. 

Ozpin and the adults were shocked that there were worlds where there were no Grimm. Yang on the other hand fell to her knees and screamed to the sky for becoming a boring and ordinary Person. "Don't worry Yang. I am sure our other selves bring the fun back to you." said Ruby while hugging her sister. "Yeah we may not be sisters in this universe but i m sure their personality is somewhat like ours. They will be bringing your fun back in a flash." said Nora while also hugging Yang. 

"Wow you have triplets Summer in that universe. Thats had to be hardwork." said Qrow. "To be correct they are quintuplets. Not born at the same time but all are related with Yang being the oldest." corrected Knight. "Dear oum!" said Summer while looking at her belly and every other mother feeling the same shock at the thought of five children.

"Well i am one of eight so it is not that difficult to imagine." said Jaune. Immeadetly everyone paled. "Eight children. Damn thats the arc libido for you. " said Raven. "Well any way lets start wit the salvation of one Yang Xiao long right away." said Knight and pulled the lever down.

Imeadetly lightning struck into the monitor and made noises of a reawakened corpse with Knight laughting uncontrolaby. A pipe organ was playing in the background as the tv sprang to life. "It's alive. IT'S ALIVE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" shouted Knight while the Remnants are shiting themselve with Jaune doing it really.

The scene began with Ruby and Nora jumping of a truck and walked to a stand with fireworks. The name of the stand was "safe and sane Fireworks."

"Why do i have a bad feeling about this?" asked Glynda. "because we are talking about Nora and Ruby Glynda. While they are good huntresses they are not perfectly... sane." said Ozpin with pointing to Ruby and Nora who are inhaling pancakes and cookies with a shimmer in their eyes. "Oh Oum. This is ruby rule No.1. never let her near fireworks. She would build a fully functioning rocket launcher out of it." said Qrow while already looking for a hiding place.

"Hey fellas what can i do for you?" asked the owner. "Uhm we are looking for some sparklers and give me those things called Pinwheels." said Ruby while she and Nora are constantly checking their surroundings. "Sure do. Also got some lady fingers." said the Person who is also checking if everyone is gone.

"Why are they constantly cheeking if everyone is gone?" asked Penny curious. " I don't know but i have a feeling that something unusual is about to happen." said Piedro. "Come on old man. It is just a stand with fire works. What  is the worst that could happen? Them buying a rocket the size of a water melon." said Watts while laughting.

"Whats with those tiny things? For Yang it has to be big. Maybe two hundred mortars would be a good beginning." said Nora. "Yeah" exclaimed Ruby. "I am simultaniously proud and scared for what they are asking." said Yang.

"Ok lets start with eighteen genies. Two dozen gel ignited pomegranates and a case of devil dragons." said Nora in all seriousness. "We're out of 99s you want 44s? 44s are half price" asked Jim( we never got a name for the person who sells the fireworks so i am gonna call him Jim because he looks like one). "44s are worthless. make it six packs of red dogs with time delayed fuses. " said Ruby. "Powder or aluminum faucet?" asked Jim. "Who do you think you are dealing with?" asked Nora.

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