Breaking News: local angry dad killed the god of creation in a fist fight

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Ladies and Gentlemen in one corner we have the metallic god of creation, the spinner of mantra, the creator of life! CHAKRAVATRIN!!!! In the other we have the man with the golden fist. The breaker of Gohma, the destroyer himself! ASURA!!!! Asura's wrath belongs to Capcom and Rwby to Roosterteeth. Because of the lenght of the video it will be cut down a bit.

"We are now watching a lets say demigod beating up the god of all creation after he killed all of the traitors who betrayed and killed him, killed his wife, enslaved his daughter and brutally murdered everything for power. Asura climbed after his death out of the afterlife with only spite and rage. After that he killed a few of the traitors, was then killed again but he repeated the process and killed everyone of them. But his daughter was stolen by said god as a vessel and after his brother in law safed him on the cost of his own life he is now off to safe his daughter." said Knight. 

"Two questions: One how angry does someone has to be to climb out of hell? And two why?!" shouted Summer. "Well to answer your questions. One so angry that you could possibly burn the world and two she has the ability to give everyone who uses mantra as power to boost, heal and everything while also cleaning your systems. You could say with everything she had she was the perfect vessel for chakravatrin." explained Knight. "That is terribel!" said Weiss angry and horrified. "I know right but lets see what he is going to do to him first ok." said Knight.

"But before that." knight said and brought in Kali, Ghira and Tai. "Well back here. What do we watch?" asked Kali. After an explanation, and a few heartfelt reunions, the screen was turned on.

"Please punch the pad for verification." said the screen and directly before Knight came a pad which he swiftly punched. "Necessary punch power registered." was said activating the screen.

The first thing that could be seen was Asura arriving at the Event horizon where Chakravatrin residet. "You exceeded my exspectation." could be heard from a mysterious voice. Then a mysterious Pillar of golden energy appeared. When it subsided  Chakravatrin the creator appeared. "I praise you." he said and floated to asura. "You are indeed the one to inherit this world. Gaea must be led by one of it's own. Now that you have become a perfect being. I may now leave this world save other worlds in need of my guidance." said Chakravatrin.

"Another of those self rightous gods. After seeing all those good people i now see another one of those self righttious bastards who impose their fucking definition of perfection on others!" said Salem angry. "if he is the creator of everything i want to sock him myself" said Tai. "he does have a very punchable face." said Yang. "I want to introduce him to magnhild." said Nora angry. "You get him after i cut him to pieces." said Ruby while having her crescent rose out. "Stand in line. I always wanted to give and god an asshole removal." said Ozpin while holding the long memory.

"Come and join your daughter." said the god while letting a ball float to Asura which revealed his daughter Mithra. "Father." said Mithra and ran to him which ended with them hugging each other. Asura looked to Chakravatrin who has his usual smile (which pisses me of beyond reason). He then went to his knees and gave Asura a hand while saying that he is counting on him. Asura looked at him then at Mithra, then back at him had a moment of clarity and happiness and decided...

"Oh he did not play the daughter card!" shouted kali wanting to claw Chakravartrins eyes out. "Oh he did! He is done for! No parent will let that stand if you imprision their children!" raged Ghira. "Normal parents maybe." whispered weiss while remembering jaques. "Well lets say willow will soon be a widow." whispered Knight making weiss smile.

"Yeah no parent will let that stand!" said Yang while looking at Raven with murderous intent. "I fucked up more then i anticipated did i?" asked Raven. "Yep." "Absolutely" "biggest fuck up in the history of fuck ups" said the rest of team strq.

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