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I don't own the video or the story from that video. i also don't own Rwby and yes this is merely a small little chapter to keep me from banging my head open in any way possible. The video is owned by robmedc-official. And if any emergency paramedics, nurses doctors or similar are reading this through coincidence. Thank you for being here and doing your job. Even if i didn't need to go to the hospital since i was little baby it is still good to know that there are still good people in the world who put the world back together. Now enjoy. Don't worry i translate everything for those who don't speak german. even if it might be a bit rough.

"Well now follows a short video from a Grimmless universe. Here ruby and Yang are emergency paramedics." said Knight. "Wow Yang we are emergency paramedics. That is awesome we get to save people." said Ruby excited. "Yeah it really is." said Yang not sure what to say. "Well should i start the video?" asked Knight happy. "Yes!" shouted Ruby excited.

"So you have to explain that to me again. Why is someone calling the paramedics because of a intestinal constipation?" asked Ruby confused. 

"Okay that was not the first thing ithought of when someone calls the paramedics." said Yang. "Maybe he has intense pain." said Penny. "Probably." said Ozpin knowing half a dozens differents healing methods for that already.

"I have called my family doctor and he said i should call the paramedics immeadetly." said the patient. "okay and how long are you having that intestinal constipation?" asked Ruby serious. "Since less then three weeks. Since my bowel surgery actually." said the surgent. "Bowel surgery. What bowel surgery what was done there?" Ruby asked serious.

"Maybe something went wrong with the surgery and there was something left in there. Or probably another disease." said Watts while combing through his faboulous mustace, "Maybe but my gut is telling me something different." said Piedro. "Well to say that this takes some GUTS." said Yang and everyone except the pun lover groaned. "i think i go into the Er if this puns go on." said Raven

"A piece of my gut was removed. I had colorectal cancer you know." said the patient. "And how long was the stay in the hospital?" asked Ruby. "Only two days." said the patient. "What? Why this short?" asked Ruby confused. "i have gone out myself. They only want to make money with me anyway." said the patient looking like he is almost vomiting.

"oh the patient doesn't look good." said Qrow. "He really should have stayed in hospital a little bit longer. Who know what they might have found if he stayed there a bit longer." said Glynda.

"Pal everyone wants your money. The only difference is that with doctors you can buy yourself a bit more life exspectancy and health here which is a lot more worth then lien." said Roman with Neo nodding excessivly.

"Yeah that was not a good idea... Are you ok?" asked Ruby with the patient shaking his head before vomiting which cannot be seen.

"Ok he is vomiting that doesn't have to mean alot for now." said Weiss. "But remember Weiss. In the case of illness everything can mean something." said Winter

"Vomited excrements." said Ruby while the screen turned red and dreadful music came in. Then she heared someon trying to get in.

"Okay that is definitly not noraml." said Yang. "Absolutely." said Ruby.

"Shit." said Ozpin, Watts, Piedro and Salem at once. "What is happening?" asked Nora scared. "it is a rare symptom of an intestinal blocade which happens through the fact that the large intestines are blocked through one of various reasons like here after the op for example. This causes the patient to vomit out his excrements. The mortality rate lies by 25% growing with every hour." explained Penny after searching through the scroll net. "Damn i feel sorry for that guy." said Raven. 

"Wait who is trying to get into the ambulance?" said Summer and everyone looked at the screen.

It was death trying to get another soul.

"Dear Mounty Oum! Death is trying to grab my patient! Oh hell no! He is going to life and if i have to beat death himself up!" shouted Ruby. "Where is Yang?!" asked Weiss scared. "I never wanted to see death personally there trying to reap someones soul." said Blake scared. "I have already met death and i didn't want to see him again so soon!" said Summer scared.

"Yang. Ignition." said Ruby serious and Yang closed death the door infront of his nose.

"Did... Yang just close the door on death himself?" said Blake confused and amazed. "Well done Yang. No with all the working you do on every engine you see follow my other selfs advise and punch it! Try to see how quick death is after the engine improvement you always make!" shouted Ruby with Yang being excited to see what her other self did with the ambulance.

"I really don't like this guy Central of 83/2 i ask for takeoff clearance over." said Yang into the walky talky.

"You don't like him. Naturally you don't like him! Everyone doesn't want to meet death! More then once in some cases." said Weiss while looking at  Summer and Ozpin. "Why is she asking for clearance for take off." said Pyrrha confused

She woke up Qrow who then looked at the flight to the hospital.

"Qrow you don't sleep on a job like this!" said Winter angry. "I probably pulled a few all nighters in central  to many for them." said Qrow. "Yeah. He probably just suddenly fell in asleep for a second after countless days without sleep." said Ruby defending her uncle. "Probably." said Roman defending his new found friend with Neo nodding fiercely.

"Here is central. I don't see any helicopters coming at the moment." said Qrow before looking at the digital map seing who it was. "Oh shit it is no heli. It is Yang!!" said Qrow before you could see Yang smiling and then the map can be seen again. Her signal was lost.

"What kind of reputation does Yang actually have for Qrow to react that way?" asked Summer. "And why is her signal lost?" asked Watts. "Well lets say she gets alot faster when she is allowed to go pedal to the metal." explained Knight. "Hell yeah! Super yang driving faster then death himself!" said Yang excited. "I hope you don't make an accident." said Blake concerned for the patient. "Relax kitty. When i drive i don't make crashes." said Yang.

"But that still doen't explain how they lose the signal of the ambulance or what reputation this guy has!" shouted Salem angry.

Then you could see from space how she broke the sound barrier and was traveling like a comet to the hospital.

"Okay that... that is fast." said Weiss amazed and scared of what yang can do in a vehicle. "lets hope they survive the g forces." said Watts scared if he ever gets to be driven by yang. "Well then onto the next one." said Knight.

Don't worry i am still working on everything there is. I just needed a little break from writing holiday chapters. And that chapter is really short.I wiped that up in an hour so there is that. and i really worked myself through the dictonaries for this one. And no don't make a assumption of some kind of illnes or ailment just because you have read medical stuff on the internet. Go to a real doctor and get a advise from him if it is something medical and probably serious. So till the next time and stay healthy.

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