Bloodrelation is not necessary for being a family

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I don't own the Ranking of the kings or Rwby. The Ranking of the kings belongs to Wit Studios Sosuke Toka and Rwby belongs to Rooseterteeth. Have fun.

"Ehm everything ok?" asked Knight as he saw Yang looking dead inside while Raven was smoking outside. Summer looked a little less angry then before. "I don't think i will ever smoke again." said Yang dead inside. "nah it is just because you got that shit stuff. I always say. Get that premium stuff. With cigar cutter and everything. You alread have a zippo so you are already onestep closer to Gughk!" said Roman while he was hit on the head while Summer said that smoking is bad. "Oh dumm dumm." wrote Neo on a sign.

"Well atleast you haven't touched the stuff Holmes smokes." said Knight. "Really? What is it?" asked Yang with life suddenly comming back to her.

"If i remember correctly it was a mixture tobacco, morphine and crack even if i have no idea how that thing works. But well it is strong enough that it can knock a servant of their boots." said Knight

"Well then as long as he doesn't smoke that infront of my daughters i will not tear him apatr piece by piece." said Summer angry. "Well what are we watching?" asked Qrow to steer away from that topic.

"Well today we are watching are watching a candidate from the ranking of the kings. But with other kings and princess and not the kings, princess, princesses and queens of Chaldeas. We tried that. Didn't go well." said Knight sad. "Really! how did it went!" said Ruby excited.

(Insert scene of a giant pillar of light exploding out of chaldeas roof and splitting the sky)

"It was... not good. A equally bad result happened when we tried to determine the best knight in chaldeas" said Knight. "What happened?" asked Weiss.

(Insert a scene of chaldeas exploding)

"It went really bad. Or the time we tried to find out the best captains of chaldeas. That was exceptionaly bad. Good thing it happened when Okeanos was still around." said Knight while shuddering. "Do i even want to know what happened?" asked Blake fearfull.

The sea warfare results:

"And we haven't even touched the second best captain tournament. I only say this much. The new one had seamines and more explosions. Or the Saber wars where i almost went blind because of all the sword beams." said Knight while massaging the sides of his head. 

"Why does that even happen?" asked Jaune shocked. "We are heroic spirits. Or divine/divided spirits and pseudo servants. We are extremly strong and smart while being extremly competitive in most cases. We are also connected to the magical energy of chaldeas which allows to let loose much more often. When we play volleyball we punch the ball with an almost lethal amount of speed for normal humans. Or table tennis where the ball flies with the speed of sound." said Knight while snipping a coin into the air waiting for it to come down.

Only to flip it to hard causing it to fly through the ceiling into the kitchen.

"GAH! MY SOUP! THE WORK OF THREE HOURS!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" shouted Emiya as the coin pierced the pot and let all the soup be spilled directly into artorias who waited there the moment she saw the coin piercing the pot. "Shirou! The broth was delicious!" said Artoria happy when she sucked all the soup broth out of the pot.

"uuh ehm. Moving on." said Knight emberassed while climbing up a ladder to quickly seal that hole by soldering on a thick plate of steel with his fingers. "Trace on. Got you now soup destroyer!" shouted Emiya while he traced a sniper and ammo before shooting down the hole, where the bullet hit the thick steel plates which were proffesionally soldered on and stopped right there bulging the plate. "Ah i paint it over next time. well time for a video." said Knight slapping ductape on it and going down the ladder.

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