The one thing every doc dreams to see.

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Well i make those little shorts i am fully back on track so. The story and video are owned by retter view while Rwby is owned by roosterteeth. I will translate as good as i can.

"Well another paramedic video but this time with Yang in the foreground." said Knight. "Ok what epic thing am i going to entcounter. Hitting death with the door again or driving faster then sound." said Yang excited.

"Well i have already seen the video so i can say it is definitly funny." said Knight and played the video.

"Hello the paramed.... i have waited nine years for this mission." said Yang amazed.

"What? what is it? I want to see it! What did my other self wait nine years for?!!!" shouted Yang causing Knight to laugh."Why? What is it?" asked Ruby confused. "Something thag is funny to younbut painfull for others." said Knight

"No it isn't what it looks like. You know at home i always run around naked. Anyway i was... vacuming. Then i triped and then, yeah what should i say, i fell on the pipe." tried the patient to safe himself while the pipe of the vacuum cleaner was seen with him under the blanket being seemingly stuck somewhere between his legs.

When they saw this most people began to laugh while some other. "What kind of idiocy is that? Who in there right mind would do that?!" shouted Weiss. "What is that?! Why is that idiot stuck with his dick in a vacumm cleaner?!" shouted Winter angry. "Eh Yang, uncle Qrow, Mom, autie Salem, Knight, why is he stuck to a vacuum cleaner?" asked Ruby confused, causing the mentioned people to look at each other before they all said the same thing. "When you are older." said the mentioned people.

"And you would swear that this really happened that way." said Yang not convinced.

"Yeah no i don't buy it either." said Yang while Qrow nodded. "He was really trying to jer...." began Raven before she was hit on the back of the head by Summer. "Don't even try! I want to keep my little rosebud as innocent as possible before she has to be confronted with that. It may be fuitile but i still want to try. Understood." said Summer angry to Raven. Raven nodded fast.

"Oh damnit. It was worth the try. Well i have an extrem pain in between my legs." said the patient emberassed.

"I can imagine that" said Jaune while felling phantom pain in his own nethers. "This poor dude." said Qrow while Ren nodded. "I hope his thing can be saved." said Ozpin.

"Ok let me see. The first thing we should do is to see of we can get this pipe of." said Yang and got the pipe of this mans dick.

"Well that is awkward." said Yang emberassed. "You should be. You shouldn't see something like that until after marriage." said Summer stern. "Oh come on it is normal to see that." said Raven angry. "Raven. We are from a bandit tribe. Our version of normal is pretty screwed up." countered Qrow. "Touche′ brother touche′ " said Raven defeated.

"Well it is really swolen because of the negative pressure and at some point was the blood circulation also better. Anyway we are giving you something to cool it down and then we drive you to the next urulogist." explained Yang.

"Yeah, that is probably the best course of action." said Piedro. "I cannot and will not imagine how painfull taht would be for him." said Watts concerned for the other person.

"The hospital." said the patient concerned.

"The social standing may be gone but at least you can use your stick again" said Ozpin.

"Be happy that it just looks like this. There was once a vacuum cleaner where the fan was directly behind the pipe and, well the rest you can imagine." said Yang to the patient. "Ow phantom pain." said the patient.

"Yeah that was a mental picture we didn't need, thank you very much."said Qrow. "Does anyone want a grilled sausage?" asked Knight suddenly with a plate of grilled sausages in hand and bitting of one end from one of them. "NO!!!!" shouted everyone.

Well i will be doing a few mini chapter don't worry it will be fine. And i will go back to the suggestion box at some point. And if you wonder why this is worse then normal then this is because i wrote this on the handy.

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