Childhoods and laughter

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As said before i don't own Karakuri circus. It belongs to Kazuhiro Fujita and Studio Voln co. Rara Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. They belong as already said to their respective companies and creators. Now we have a circus to run. Come in my audience. May you be old or young. Men, woman, diverse, octopus monster from a tentacle hentai. It doesn't matter here is only one trait necessary. Your ability to laugh.

"Well now we are going back to our favourite puppet wielding gymnastic champion and our scary looking comedian!" shouted Knight with a smile as wide as the ocean is deep and as bright as the flames he uses. "That means we are gonna watch another video with Shirogane and bear Weiss." said Yang excited. "Yep. We are gonna do it again!"  Knight shouted. "Yay Shirogane!" shouted Merlin happy. Everyone looked at him. "To be honest i have completely forgotten you were there." said Raven. "I have never left." said Merlin with a friendly smile.

"He is like a dream after all." Knight said annoyed. "Well you have a video to view and a audience to entertain so. Go do the lords work." shouted Merlin happy. "Hey! In theory i am an extremly small shinto god so try it again dick wizard!" Knight shouted to Merlin. "You are shinto? Like the religion in mistral? From your get up i thought you were more like a valean or atleasian knight or an entertainer from vacuo from your current get up." said Qrow

"Well i am immortal for a long time. So i came around a lot. I was made a god by a big shot shinto goddess so by that logic i am a shinto deity.  We do have that sweet twenty percent discount on the gift shop and onsen though. And we get to see the newest anime a week before it comes out!" shouted Knight happy. "Oh come on! That is unfair!" shouted Yang, Ruby, Blake, Nora, Jaune and surprisingly Ren. "Wait you watch anime Ren?" asked Weiss surprised. "Yes. Icha icha paradise got a new season this year." said Ren in a calm and collected voice.

"What?" asked Weiss confused. "What." said Ren. "Well then lets continue..." began Knight only for Artoria and Shirou to come in and drag Merlin away. "No! Help me! I don't want to die! Artoria! The invisible air spell on your clothes were a joke! Shirou! Have mercy please! You are a hero of justice are you not! I know you have a good heart! Fou you bastard! I know you were behind this! Curse you furball!!!" shouted Merlin enraged and fearfull of what is going to happen to him.

"Well done fou." said Knigh happy and lifted his tophat up to reveal a cute white squirrel like creature on his head betweenhis ears, which then jumped on his shoulder as he put his hat back on his head. "Fou fou." said Fou happy that is until Fou saw Ozpin. He then jumped down to the ground while everyone was amazed how cute he is climbed up the pillars holding the tent and then jumped with everyone holding their breath.

That is until he went in for a drop kick while shouting full of anger: "Fou murder Fou!!" hitting Ozpin square in the face leaving an imprint of his paw on Ozpins face and then proceeded to beat him up even further by scratching hitting and bitting ozpin. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is the best thing i have seen today! Come here fou." said Salem while opening  her arms. Fou then jumped into her arms and Salem hugged Fou close to her chest.

"Now now Fou. Mash and the Masters are probably worrying about. Before you bury yourself into another ones bossom i think you should return to novum Chaldea. I think Goredolf is making some more breakfast beacon at the moment. Habetrot also has some treats for you i think. But beware of miss crane. She is back to tailoring you clothes for practise and she now got more white andred cloths." said Knight and held out his top hat to Fou. "Fou." said Fou as a goodbye and jumped through the top hat. The top hat was then thrown with a spin on Knights head again.

"Well then before we discuss this cute primate murderer we better start the video." said Knight happy. "Yes i am ok everyone. Thanks for asking. Naturally i don't need any help from the wounds this little beast inflicted on me. He just almost killed me." said Ozpin annoyed. "Well then lets start this." said Knight and with a wave of his hands a monitor came down, looking as if it was floating. One could, if they had good eyes and squinted really hard, see the fine silvery threads coming from the gloves and are connected to the screen.

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