Mind your phrasing. Insults only on monday and friday

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Well well well. If it isn't the consequenzes of my actions. Note we are going in balls deep on phrasing. Actually i am slowly loosing sight of what the main theme of the book is because it is really wild mix here right now. We have:

a splash of historical,

a bit of mecha,

a whole bucket full of anime and fantasy,

a big tea spoon of christmas,

a bit of scifi

a few thousand pinches of bullshitery, a gramm of love; taste bitter sweet and normal;

a drop of steampunk oil

and a few mixed in pieces of classics.

We even have a few recepies and a bit of music here as appatizers.

So time to add to the the warm bunch of insanity we are cooking here a bit of phrasing for a good and spicy taste here. The video belongs too Sam o'nella academy with Rwby belonging to Roosterteeth.

"Well time for the next video. We are looking at the origin of phrases." said Knight. "Why should we do that?! We have literaly seen and alien god trying to smite us down shouldn't we run!" shouted Raven angry. "Well here is at the moment the safest place and there are still alot of things i want to show you so no. But you are welcomed to run away if you want the exit is right there." said Knight while pointing at door behind him. Enraged Raven then grabbed her sword Omen and before anyone could stop her she slashed at Knight.

Only for her blade to shatter on impact while only his clothes got torn. "Damn i really liked this shirt." said Knight slightly annoyed before flicking her forehead and sending her through the wall. "I have a question?" asked Summer while she sat Raven back into her seat. "What is it?" said Knight while putting on a blue T-Shirt with the front side saying "Mind your phrasing" while the backside said "Insults only". "How are you so tough? Sure you are basicly a god and servants are from what i have seen already way tougher and stronger then humans and even huntsman but that still doesn't explain everything." said Summer.

"Oh that. A god can grow stronger simply with aging, training or devouring other gods. And i did all three of them. Hard training, i am simply old and i devoured a few dozen gods who tried to kill of humanity while i was in Fiore. Sure it was actually one god who devoured many other smaller gods but he still counts as multiple. The same thing can be seen with Arjuna Alter who devoured basicly the entire indian pantheon. Well now back to the video." said Knight while Qrow was checking if Raven is still alive and has n't broken any bones.

"Actually what phrases are we looking at?" asked Ruby, while Summer tried to push Mr Shadow away from Raven. "Ugh... my head." said Raven. "Damn it." said Mr Shadow while climbing into Rubys hood for a quick nap.

"Ehm the usual every day phrases of earth. Not insults but they come later." said Knight. "What?!" shouted Summer, Winter and Glynda once they heared that. "Hell yeah!" shouted  Yang only to be stared down by her family. "Can i atleast test something?" asked Nora right before Knight started the video. "Ehm sure?" answered Knight unsure.

After loading some energy by breaking a lightning dust crystal she jumped up and gave him a headbutt. "Ehm oww." said Knight unsure of what just happened. "Yep that thing is hard. As in really hard. Hey Renny! And you to three other Rennys." said Nora before she fell down. 

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