Feisty little sucker

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Well because i am most certainly motivated, and have rewatched the entirety of castlevania and castlevania nocturne(the creator of castlevania nocturne has probably said "make them sexier" to the animators). It is time for something more bloody. Well i suppose i have to give out a little warning. There is a high chance that you will become a belmont after reading this chapter.

(i don't own castlevania or Rwby and obtain no profit from it)

"Well here we are. We are watching how a man can beat... well not exactly a vampire but close enough i suppose." said Knight. "What do you mean?" asked Ruby. "well what we have here is somewhat of an vampiric elemental spirit who simply took the title of death for shits and giggles." said Knight. "So he is... partially like him?" asked Qrow and pointed at Mr Shadow. Ruby had to calm down the raging personification of death to stop him from strangeling Qrow the old fashioned way. 

"Well yes and no. He is more like glorified vampire who feeds on the act of dying instead of blood. A bottom feeder basicly who is in a parasitic relation ship with Mr Shadow here." said Knight before starting the video. 

Atleast he wanted to before Vlad the third came in.

(Vlad the third, also known as vlad the impaler, was the baseline for the story of Dracula. That is probably because Vlad the third has his own fair share of horrific storys like staking people, nailing turbans to someones head. On the other hand he valiantly defended his kingdom of wallachia, which is a part of romania.)

"I heared something about vampires again." said Vlad stern. "well it is not about Dracula. While he appeared here and had a son called adrian, who took on the name alucard to spite him, he is already dead here." said Knight. "Mmmhm. Ok but only if they all commit to memmory that i am not a vampire. That blight tarnished my reputation for too long already." said Vlad before he walked out.

"Isn't he a berserker?" asked Salem. "Yes." said Knight. "Then why is he so... sane compared to the others?" asked Ozpin. "He is the only sane person in a class of insanity. I think that counts as a berserker." said Knight. "Good enough i suppose." said Salem before she went to get popcorn. 

"Today we are watching how a totally badass vampire hunter is fighting a manifested hungry cursing spirit of death." said Knight and started the video.

One could see how Trevor walked towards his enemy. Then was a giant skeletal being seen. "Oi Death." said Trevor and Death turned towards the vampire hunter who was walking towards his ginormous figure. "I wanna have a word with you." said Trevor while he continued to walk towards Death.

"Damn that is the slow walk. reserved for badasses only." said Yang impressed. "And damn is that is a giant skeleton." said Salem. "Parasite." said Mr Shadow angry. The lights of the theatre were flickering and any bacteria on the walls and the floor was rapidly dying. "Yes yes. Parasite. You don't like him, i understand." said Salem. 

"Go beat him up..." began ruby. "Trevor. Or Trefor if you prefer. Trevor hates Trefor by the way." said Knight. "Go beat him up Trevor!" cheered Rwby, while Mr Shadow manifested a "Go Trevor!" hat.

"You know me?" asked the huge crowned skeleton. "I am Trevor Belmont, of house Belmont. Of course i know you. Finding things and recognising things is what we do. And you are absolutely a thing." said Trevor. "I was put here at the dawn of life on Earth to feed on the last breath of every one of you fuckers. I am a little more then a thing." said Death. "No. You are only a thing. You are only an old killer. You don't make anything. You don't live. You just eat and hide." said Trevor while getting the morningstar whip ready.

"Monty oum he is cool." said Jaune. "And the weapon! It looks like a mixture of a mace and a whip." said Ruby excited. "That is the morning star whip. A magical holy weapon which can kill creatures of the night." said Knight. "Can i build one." said Summer. "You need to sacrifice a willing but tainted soul to complete it." said Knight. "Forget that i ever asked." said Summer. 

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