Chapter 3: Unexpected Arrangement

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The air in the grand living room carried a hint of tension as Seher and Daniel navigated their conversation. Seher had just been informed that she could use the kitchen at will, preparing snacks for Liam and herself when the cook was unavailable. The surprise in her eyes was evident, but before she could inquire further, Daniel's gaze shifted, focusing on the door with a puzzled expression.

"Where is your stuff?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

Seher's brows knitted together, mirroring her bewilderment. "My stuff? What do you mean?" She couldn't quite grasp what he was getting at.

Daniel, wearing a quizzical expression, leaned in slightly, "Aren't you supposed to bring your clothes at least for the week?"

Seher's confusion deepened. "Why would I do that? I planned to go back home tonight."

Daniel's disbelief was palpable as he shook his head. "No, Seher. You're a stay-in nanny for my son. It's in the contract."

Seher's heart sank as she realized her mistake. She hadn't thoroughly reviewed every word of the contract, and it seemed she had missed a crucial detail. She felt embarrassed, as if scolded like a child.

"Did you not read the contract?" Daniel asked, his tone a mixture of concern and surprise.

Seher struggled to find the right words. "I... I didn't go through it as thoroughly as I should have," she admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Seeing Seher's distress, Daniel quickly tried to ease the situation. "I apologize for not making this clearer during the interview. But please, Seher, don't say no. You're exactly what I was looking for in a nanny, and the fact that you have your own child only makes you better suited for this role."

He went on to explain his demanding schedule, the unpredictability of his work, and his desire for stability in Liam's life. "I want my son to have consistent care, no matter if I'm here or not. I hope you'll consider staying. I'm willing to increase your pay, and I assure you, you and Meher won't be uncomfortable here. In fact, we've prepared a room for her, right next to yours, like a little nursery."

As Daniel continued talking, Seher couldn't help but be touched by Daniel's genuine concern for his son's well-being. She understood that this was about more than just a job-it was about caring for a child who needed her.

However, a fleeting thought crossed Seher's mind: where was Liam's mother? It wasn't a question she could ask on the first day, or perhaps ever, unless Daniel chose to share that information.

Interrupting Daniel's rambling, Seher did something she hadn't expected herself to do. Without thinking, she reached out and gently placed her hand on his, which was resting on the couch. Both their breaths seemed to catch as their eyes met, her warm brown gaze locking with his cool grey one.

The moment was interrupted by a sudden squeal from the playroom, and they both turned toward the sound, rushing to check on the children. To their relief, Liam and Meher were in fits of laughter, the toddler tickling his new little friend.

As Liam and Meher played together, their laughter filled the room, and Daniel couldn't help but watch in awe. He observed Meher, her big green eyes sparkling with joy and her dark black hair framing her delicate features. She looked like a little doll, and for a moment, a longing he hadn't anticipated welled up inside him. He felt a deep desire for a baby girl of his own, someone who would inherit his striking grey eyes and gaze up at him with adoration. Daniel knew he'd do anything to protect her, even resort to savagery if anyone dared to harm her. It struck him that there was a fundamental difference between sons and daughters-a father would willingly lay down his life for a son, but for a daughter, he'd unleash a fierce, protective instinct that knew no bounds. However, reality quickly intruded on his daydreams, reminding him of his current circumstances. He didn't even have a wife, let alone the prospect of another child, and he sighed, offering a melancholic smile at his own unfulfilled desires.

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