Chapter 116: Grey Clouds

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Another month had slipped by since Maximilian celebrated his 39th birthday. For Seher, life had settled into a familiar rhythm, a predictable cadence. Each Sunday, she and Maximilian meticulously planned the upcoming week, determining when little Meher would stay with her mother and when she would spend time with her father.

Maximilian seamlessly embraced his role as Meher's father, not just in name but also in deed. He willingly shouldered half - sometimes more-of Meher's care duties. If Seher found herself overwhelmed with café responsibilities, he would swoop in, taking charge of their daughter's needs while his girlfriend tended to her work downstairs.

Despite her man's unwavering support, Seher couldn't shake the occasional pang of guilt. She confessed to Maximilian her fear of exploiting his love for their daughter by handing her over whenever it was convenient. Yet, he swiftly reassured her, offering two compelling arguments she couldn't refute. Firstly, he reminded her that with the privilege of being Meher's father came a shared responsibility-a duty he embraced with love and dedication. Secondly, he pragmatically explained that while Seher was still navigating the early stages of her business, he had nearly two decades of experience in his ventures. Consequently, he could step back and allow things to run smoothly. He pointed out that his office would continue to function seamlessly even if he chose to retire immediately.

For Maximilian, family had become his paramount focus, his primary responsibility. He cherished the opportunity to devote his time and energy to Seher and Meher, knowing that his professional life could thrive independently of his daily involvement. With all systems in place and his business running smoothly, the man found fulfillment in his newfound roles as father and partner, relishing every moment spent with his loved ones.

On the other hand, Victor had moved Beatrice into their penthouse located in the city. The night of Maximilian's birthday turned into a spectacle when Vincenzo caught Victor and his sister in a compromising position. Despite his best efforts to avoid confrontation, the younger Romanov ended up with a black eye. However, Beatrice quickly came to his defense and explained to her brothers how kind and caring Victor had been towards her, and how they had developed a genuine connection. As she spoke, her brothers' expressions softened, and they eventually relented, albeit with the typical big brother warning.

Years back, when Vincenzo entrusted Maximilian with the care of Beatrice, his younger sister, after rescuing her from their grandfather, Maximilian grasped the gravity of the task. As an elder brother, he partially understood Vincenzo's worries. Now, as a father, Maximilian fully appreciates the instinct to protect one's family, especially the vulnerable ones. Should anyone threaten Meher or his 'zoloste' (little gold), Maximilian's response would be immediate and unforgiving. Questions about the assailant's reasons wouldn't concern him; his priority would be to neutralize the danger.

Given Victor's profound connection to Beatrice and his acknowledgment of her as a surrogate sister, Maximilian refrained from intervening in their relationship. Victor understood that the woman he pursued, the woman he had fallen for, wasn't just Vincenzo's sister-she was also the Italian mafia princess. Despite the rocky start and the punches Victor endured for his past indiscretions, Maximilian found solace in the fact that Victor had come to his senses sooner rather than later.

Now, the atmosphere between them was relatively amicable, with Vincenzo occasionally shooting Victor stern glances and issuing warnings during video calls and business meetings. However, they weren't at each other's throats, which counted as a positive development. So, Victor wasted no time in practically moving Beatrice in, with half of her belongings now at the penthouse in the city and the other half at their main home.

While Maximilian's family in Chicago was enjoying stability and contentment, his grandfather in Texas had become a source of concern over the last month. After the party night, Maximilian quickly arranged a comprehensive medical check-up for his grandfather the following day. The examination showed his grandfather's kidneys were malfunctioning. Known for his stubbornness, the elderly man had been suffering from appetite and urination problems for several months but had remained silent, causing frustration for his grandsons. Despite their arguments, Maximilian decided that Konstantin would stay in Chicago for treatment under the supervision of excellent doctors.

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