Chapter 94: Stability

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It had been seven excruciating days for both Maximilian and Seher, with Maximilian honoring his commitment not to reach out to Seher. He was thankful for the continued arrival of her letters, yet the absence of their voices weighed heavily on him. Seher, in turmoil herself, had spent the time in deep reflection, feeling isolated by her inability to share her thoughts with anyone else. She was determined not to betray Maximilian's trust or cause him any trouble, especially since he had shared his life and affiliations with her under the condition of his boss's approval. Unwilling to risk any repercussions for Maximilian or her family, Seher felt the burden of making a decision alone.

Her past relationship - a sham marriage that ended disastrously and a somewhat serious relationship with Daniel that also failed, clouded her judgment with fear. She worried that if Maximilian turned out to be another painful lesson, she might not recover, given how deeply he had become embedded in her heart and mind.

Compounding her emotional distress, Meher's health seemed to decline. The child had been listless, refusing food and milk, and looking increasingly pale and disinterested in play. Seher's concern for her daughter was palpable, especially since a straightforward doctor's visit was complicated by her work visa status and the consequent lack of medical insurance. The complexities of her visa transitions had left her without coverage, a situation she had not discussed with Richard to avoid delving into personal details she wished to leave behind.

Faced with Meher's worrying condition, Seher was desperate to find a solution, contemplating how she might access medical care without insurance. The priority was clear: she needed to ensure her daughter's well-being, even as she grappled with her emotional turmoil and the critical decision about her future with Maximilian.

As the evening's rush began to fade, Meher approached her mother, her smile weary, voicing a question that had lingered in the air for days, "Mommy, whewe Maxi?" Accustomed to his regular calls and comforting presence, Seher couldn't help but notice the shadow of sadness that seemed to mirror her own, cast over her daughter's features. The stark contrast between Meher's current state and the joy she radiated in Maximilian's company was a revelation. Seher realized that every relationship came with its own set of challenges, and the illusion of safety was just that—an illusion.

Acknowledging the deep trust she had in Maximilian, Seher decided to embrace the possibility of their relationship, despite its complexities. Maximilian's virtues far outweighed the concerns surrounding his perilous profession. Guided by her heart and instincts, she resolved to pursue a future with him, a decision that seemed to illuminate her path forward.

With renewed determination, Seher offered Meher a reassuring smile and a tender kiss on the forehead, promising, "I'll just call Maxi and check, okay?" Meher's response, a faint smile, reflected her dwindling energy, a pressing concern for Seher. Taking a deep breath, Seher reached for her phone to dial Maximilian's number. The weight of the past few days, filled with uncertainty and silent contemplation, seemed to lift slightly at the prospect of hearing his voice again. As the phone rang, Seher watched Meher, whose usually vibrant energy had dimmed, sparking a mix of determination and hope within her.

When Maximilian answered, his voice—a familiar balm—immediately eased some of the tension that had built up. "Zoloste?" he said, his tone a blend of surprise and relief, as if he'd been waiting for her call all along.

"Ian," Seher began, her voice steadier than she felt, "Meher's been asking about you. She... we've missed you." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "And I've been doing a lot of thinking."

On the other end of the line, Maximilian's response was immediate, his concern for Meher palpable. "Is she okay?"

Seher's voice was laden with worry as she spoke, "She's looking pale and lethargic. I'm not sure if it's just because she misses you or if there's another reason. And she's hardly eating. At first, I thought it might be the weather affecting her. But aside from that, after giving it a lot of thought, I've realized—" Her words were abruptly interrupted by a faint whimper from Meher. Turning around, she noticed her daughter staggering slightly. "I no good, mommy" Meher mumbled weakly.

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