Chapter 74: Memory Lane

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Seher found herself still buzzing with excitement from the visit to the Gurdwara and the heartfelt Ardaas that Maximilian had taken her to. Those 30 minutes at the holy place were undoubtedly the most peaceful and serene moments she had experienced in the past three years of her life, and she felt profoundly grateful for that. Despite knowing Maximilian for just a week and meeting him yesterday, he had an uncanny ability to make her heart race as if they had known each other for years. Seher pondered whether it was the influence of rose-colored glasses or if there was genuine potential for something lasting.

What struck her most was Maximilian's authenticity. He wasn't a prince charming pretending to be flawless. Instead, he openly acknowledged having demons, just like she did. He admitted to having secrets, and rather than deflecting or distorting the truth, he straightforwardly informed her that he would reveal those secrets in due time. There were aspects of his life that she would eventually need to know, and he presented her with the choice of when and how she wanted to learn them. It wasn't an imposition; he offered her autonomy in deciding how their relationship would unfold. Even the option to reveal everything at that very moment was laid on the table, showcasing his commitment to transparency and respect for her feelings.

The declaration about wanting to build a relationship resonated deeply with both Maximilian and Seher. His brutal honesty left a profound impact on her. Seher couldn't quite pinpoint what it was about him, but a gut feeling told her that the secrets he harbored were ominous, shrouded in darkness. The power to unravel those secrets lay in her hands, and she was aware that if she insisted, he would divulge them immediately. It might have been the prudent choice, similar to avoiding the mistake she made with Daniel, where feelings became entangled without clarity.

Yet, in this moment, Seher chose not to take that route. Despite the potentially significant secrets, she sensed in her bones that Maximilian was a steadfast man. His thought processes were deliberate, and he spoke with intention. While acknowledging the risk of repeating past mistakes, Seher felt compelled to explore this further. There was an innate trust in Maximilian's sincerity, and she wanted to see where this journey with him would lead.

Seher acknowledged the possibility of naivety in involving her and Meher's feelings, but she couldn't ignore that Maximilian had consistently shown honesty. Wanting to afford him sometime to share his secrets, she decided to give their relationship room to develop before delving into the burden of each other's dark pasts.

Unspoken but set in her mind, Seher allowed herself and Maximilian a 10-day window. Within this period, she hoped they could open up to each other completely. If, by the end of these 10 days, the exchange of secrets did not occur, she acknowledged the need to reassess. Until then, she embraced the growth of their friendship, the budding attraction, and the beautiful feelings that surged whenever he was around. Seher intended to savor this exhilarating and beautiful phase.

Seher grappled with the realization that giving herself a window of 10 days without involving Maximilian in the process was unfair. For true honesty, she needed to share her own story, including Daniel, and her life at the Mitchell Mansion up until six months ago. She wasn't ready now, but she acknowledged that she had to be transparent with him. Feeling Maximilian's rough hand, still intertwined with hers, caress the back of her hand, she was brought back to the present. Smiling at him, she inquired, "I know it's of no use to ask you, but where are we going, Mr. Romanov?" He met her gaze with dark eyes and replied, "Just ten more minutes, baby, you'll see."

Seher nodded and turned her attention back to Meher, who had been engrossed with her unique car seat. This wasn't an ordinary seat; it had buttons adorned with images of animals. Pressing these buttons produced the corresponding animal sounds on one side, while on the other side, color names were printed. When those buttons were pressed, a melodic automated voice spelled out the color. It proved to be an entertaining diversion for Meher.

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