Chapter 103: Stamp of Approval

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As Konstantin and Maximilian stepped out of their car onto the bustling Saffron Street, Maximilian's phone began to ring. Extracting it from his pocket, his expression darkened into one of fury. Konstantin, observing the sudden change, voiced his concern, "Vse vie poryadkoye, synok?" (Everything okay, son?)

Maximilian paused, meeting his grandfather's gaze as he weighed his response, then reassured him, "Da, dedushka, vse choroso. pochemu by vam nay zayti vnutr? ya prosto otvechu na ethot zvonok yi vskore prisoedinius k vam." (Yes, grandfather, everything's fine. Why don't you head inside? I'll just take this call and join you shortly).

The older man studied him for a moment longer, sensing the unspoken tension but chose not to pry, trusting in his grandson's eventual openness. With a nod of understanding, he made his way towards the café.

Upon entering, Konstantin was greeted by the rich, enticing scents of lemongrass and spices, a reminder of his growing hunger. Despite the early hour, the café buzzed with activity, nearly at full capacity, managed by a swiftly moving hostess and waiter. He glanced around for Seher, somehow certain he would recognize her among the patrons.

Shortly, the hostess approached him, her smile warm and welcoming. "Good morning, sir. Welcome to Saffron Street. My name is Ashley, and I'll be your hostess and server today," she greeted him professionally. "Are you by yourself, or would you prefer to wait for someone before I hand you the menu?"

Returning her smile with his characteristic charm, Konstantin replied, "Yes, darling, I'm awaiting my grandson, Maxim."

Recognition sparked in Ashley's eyes as she connected the dots, "Oh! You must be Mr. Romanov's grandfather."

"Correct," Konstantin confirmed, pleased with the recognition. Ashley's smile broadened as she responded, "It's great to meet you, sir."

"Ah, please, call me Konstantin, beauty. Now, where might I find Seher" he responded, prompting a slight blush from the young woman. Glancing around the bustling café, Ashley explained, "Well, sir- Konstantin -you might have to wait a bit. It's quite busy at this time, with the offices starting at nine. But Meher is right over there." She pointed towards the play area.

Following her direction, Konstantin's gaze landed on a little girl. Dressed in a red sweater paired with jeans and crocs, her long black curls were tied into a high ponytail. She was engrossed in a book, her attention fully captured by whatever adventure lay on its pages.

Expressing his gratitude to Ashley, Konstantin stood and approached the child cautiously, ensuring to maintain a respectful distance before speaking in the gentlest tone he could muster. "Hello, little lady."

Meher looked up, her expression one of confusion. The man before her, with his long white hair secured in a bun, bore an uncanny resemblance to someone she held dear, dressed in a manner reminiscent of her beloved Maxi. A gasp escaped her as she made the connection, exclaiming, "You wook wike my Maxi." After a brief pause, she added with a child's candidness, "But my Maxi mowe pwetty, mister."

Konstantin's laughter was gentle, filled with warmth, "Indeed, I look like your Maxi because, my precious, your Maxi is my grandson," he confirmed. "Oh," Meher exclaimed, a light of recognition in her eyes. "Wello, Maxi gwandpapa."

Konstantin's smile broadened. "He calls me dedushka," he shared, a term filled with love. Curious, Meher inquired, "What that mean?" Taking a seat beside her on a stool designed for children, the man explained, "Dedushka is Russian for grandfather."

"What you name, mister?" Meher asked, tilting her head slightly. "I'm Konstantin," he introduced himself. Meher's frown conveyed her thoughts on the complexity of the name. Understanding her dilemma, he quickly suggested, "You know, sweetheart, you can also call me dedushka, just like your Maxi."

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