Chapter 30: An Understanding Spouse

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Daniel's mind raced at lightning speed, grappling with a lengthy to-do list after his two-hour conversation with Danish. Sympathy from his friend provided a fleeting sense of relief amid the chaos that had become Daniel's life. Danish even extended the invitation to be his little girl's godfather, contingent on Daniel's presence in Paris for the momentous occasion.

Laughing heartily, Daniel assured Danish, "My friend, it's like you're giving me a chance to be a father figure to a little girl, and for that, I could probably fly to Mars. I promise you, I'll be there." The conversation lightened Daniel's spirits, offering a sense of connection that he hadn't experienced in a while.

With Danish stepping into a more stable phase of life, Daniel felt a renewed sense of accessibility to his friend. Now, with a clearer head, Daniel focused on his immediate tasks. Foremost among them was finding Amelia and discussing the impending Disneyland trip. Simultaneously, a weightier matter loomed in his thoughts. During the conversation with Danish, Daniel discovered that Marquis, Danish's future wife, worked in the Paris police department.

Paris, the same city where Ronald, who had inflicted pain on Amelia, resided. Marquis's position could potentially aid in bringing that tormentor to justice. The dilemma weighed on Daniel's mind - balancing the need to address this issue with Amelia's fluctuating health. Her condition was unpredictable, with stretches of normalcy interspersed with sudden bouts of migraines and headaches.

As Daniel proceeded towards Amelia's bedroom, the melodious sound of Seher calling his name halted him in his tracks. Taking a moment to relish the return of that familiar voice, he closed his eyes, savoring the sweetness he had longed for since she had stopped addressing him by his name. Today, a gentle tone accompanied the utterance of his name, a subtle yet meaningful change that warmed his heart.

Upon turning around, Daniel observed Seher approaching with a faint, almost imperceptible smile gracing her lips and a glint of warmth in her eyes-a warmth sorely missed. Reciprocating her smile, he expressed his relief, remarking, "I am so glad you called me Daniel, Seher. This 'Mr. Mitchell' business was..." He paused, grappling for the right words. Was it heartbreaking? Hurtful? Did he deserve it? Unsettled by these questions, he made it clear that he disliked being addressed as Mr. Mitchell.

Seher, with a casual shrug, conveyed her appreciation, stating, "I just wanted to express my gratitude, Daniel, because things have been tense, and dynamics have significantly changed. 'Changed' is an understatement," she chuckled and continued, "they have literally shifted on their axis. But your commitment to keeping a promise to the children, specifically to my daughter, means a lot to me."

She emphasized, "Please, don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying this because I expect something from you or want reassurance. I just want to extend my gratitude because this is a promise you're holding on to. Honestly, I didn't think you would do it, but here we are, and you've made all the preparations. It makes me believe that you genuinely care for Meher in your own way."

"Frankly, it's not the money that matters to me. It's the fact that someone other than her own mother is celebrating her birthday with her, and for that, I'm very, very thankful to you." Her tone conveyed profound appreciation, touching Daniel's heart. While he considered it the bare minimum, Seher's gratitude resonated deeply. She became a source of comfort, akin to the gentle warmth of the sun, creating a feeling of safety, as if standing in a field of sunflowers.

Daniel chuckled at his poetic thoughts, then smiled at Seher, saying, "You really don't need to thank me, Seher. You really don't," as he added, "I'll see you tomorrow bright and early. We leave at 8." With another heartwarming smile, he made his way towards Amelia's room, a silly grin playing on his lips.

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