Chapter 95: Sins of the Parents

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The breakfast rush concluded around 10:30 in the morning, allowing Seher a moment of respite before the impending lunchtime rush from nearby offices. Breathing a sigh of relief, she removed her apron, prepared a cup of tea, and settled down at one of the tables.

With Miles and Jean enjoying a date, Seher contemplated the complexities of workplace romances, a topic she intended to discuss with Maximilian. Anticipating their return before the lunch hour began, she held onto the promise they made.

It had been two beautiful weeks since the memorable evening at Maximilian's house, followed by a harrowing afternoon. Meher had been placed on a strict, iron-rich diet, which delighted her as beetroot turned everything pink. Her enjoyment of pink curries, rotis, and salads signaled a positive response to the regimen. Her rosy complexion returned after two days of rest and a nutritious diet, bringing her back to normal.

Despite the positive changes, Seher harbored lingering anger toward Amardeep, the asshole. Even in death, the consequences of his actions persisted, impacting Meher's life. Seher recognized the deplorable conditions Meher's mother endured, contributing to her daughter's prenatal undernutrition and anemia. Adding to that, the potentially catastrophic effects of prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol, the woman had been administered, Seher felt grateful that Meher emerged relatively unscathed. Determined to prioritize Meher's health, Seher was now committed to providing her daughter with the highest quality ingredients and best care.

The late-night conversation between Maximilian and Seher, occurring after Meher had finally fallen asleep, was truly remarkable. They delved into Seher's fears, and she posed every question on her mind. Maximilian responded with honesty, addressing uncomfortable answers. Seher felt a mix of discomfort and gratitude, realizing that some of the concerns were more related to Valentin's role in the organization rather than Maximilian's. During their discussion, Maximilian even showed her his gun.

In their open and honest dialogue, Maximilian and Seher found themselves discussing everything under the sun, their pasts, and families now fully disclosed to one another. This transparency allowed them to converse freely on any topic. By the end of that night, Maximilian had formally asked Seher to be his girlfriend. He humorously lamented the situation, expressing his surprise at asking such a question at his age of 38 and his dislike for the term "boyfriend," hinting it wouldn't last long. Seher initially misinterpreted this, fearing an end to their relationship, but Maximilian quickly clarified. He wasn't planning on ending things but rather intended to elevate their status to that of fiancés, with the ultimate goal of marriage as soon as Seher felt ready. He was eager to propose the moment he sensed her readiness, firmly stating his desire to make her his wife at the earliest opportunity.

Seher's relationship with Maximilian was advancing at a pace that would usually be considered rapid, especially for someone inexperienced in romantic relationships. Coming from a background where arranged marriages were prevalent, and some couples in rural areas didn't meet until their wedding day, Seher was aware that the trajectory of her and Maximilian's relationship might seem unusually swift by conventional standards. Despite this rapid progression, Seher found herself devoid of anxiety or fear about moving forward. Her heart, mind, and instincts were in complete harmony, a stark contrast to her previous doubts and conflicts. This newfound certainty could be attributed to several factors.

Maximilian's openness and honesty from the outset played a significant role. He had shared everything about himself without hesitation or evasion, always maintaining eye contact, which reassured Seher of his sincerity. Furthermore, his love for Meher was undeniable and profound, manifesting in countless small gestures. Seher had often observed that his affection for Meher might even surpass his feelings for her, and she accepted this wholeheartedly. Recognizing the depth of commitment required to love and accept someone else's child as one's own, Seher appreciated the rarity and value of Maximilian's bond with Meher.

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