Chapter 115: A Happy Man

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Maximilian emerged from his exclusive suite at Labyrinth Palladium thirty minutes later, accompanied by his beloved blessing. Both had been outfitted in garments thoughtfully arranged by Seher, a choice that left Maximilian perplexed. He found himself clad in black jeans paired with an olive green t-shirt, while Meher had traded her woolen frock for a cozy fur tracksuit ensemble. This departure from conventional attire puzzled Maximilian, as he had never experienced a birthday celebration where the adult attendees opted for casual wear while the child donned pajamas.

Making their way to the reception, Maximilian exchanged pleasantries with an employee who extended birthday wishes and directed him to the penthouse. Upon arrival, he encountered a familiar scene: an open door and dimly lit room indicating a surprise party in the making. Anticipating the customary chorus of "surprise," Maximilian gently lifted Meher into his arms, shielding her from any potential fright or discomfort. With cautious steps, he entered the room, where the sudden illumination and exuberant shouts momentarily startled his little girl before she broke into a radiant smile.

As Meher surveyed the gathered guests, she gestured to her father, indicating her desire to be set down. Moments later, she dashed into the awaiting arms of Vladimir, affectionately known as Mir, the twins with whom she had forged a strong bond over the past two months. Their unexpected presence brought a delightful surprise to her, who had frequently engaged in animated conversations with them on Seher's phone.

Maximilian scanned his surroundings until his eyes landed on his girlfriend, Seher, who looked incredibly attractive. She was wearing loose-fitting jeans, a crop top that revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her midriff, and a knitted shawl that gracefully draped around her shoulders. Over time, Maximilian had noticed a significant change in Seher's clothing choices since they first met. She had started to experiment with bolder choices in her wardrobe, a transformation that the man wholeheartedly supported. He admired her growing confidence, which was reflected in her bold fashion choices.

Witnessing the occasional flicker of insecurity that plagued her, like any other individual so, Maximilian found solace in Seher's self-expression through her unique style. While his knowledge of women's fashion remained limited, he took pride in his girlfriend's innate sense of style. In his masculine perspective, he entertained the notion that her newfound boldness stemmed from a deeper sense of self-assurance, though he recognized this thought as somewhat simplistic, born from his own ego.

He cherished Seher's ability to don any attire with grace and comfort, and was ready to confront any detractors who dared to criticize her choices. In his eyes, her confidence to wear what she pleased resonated deeply, reaffirming his admiration for her as his partner.

With a radiant smile on her face, she gracefully stepped forward, casting a luminous aura that seemed to defy the setting sun, evoking the essence of dawn. Tenderly, she intertwined her fingers with his, guiding him into the room, where the presence of others gradually came into focus. Positioned by his side stood his brother, accompanied by Beatrice, a familiar sight over recent months. Adjacent to them stood Vasily, securely clasping Victor's hand while beaming warmly at Maximilian.

Approaching him, Maximilian scooped up the delighted child into his arms, enveloping him in a heartfelt embrace. Vasily, brimming with enthusiasm, exclaimed, "Happy Birthday Uncle Maxim! I know you're getting old, but I think you're still my favorite uncle." Maximilian chuckled at the endearing proclamation, cherishing the sincerity of the child's affection. Vasily's innocence and candor resonated deeply with Maximilian, reminiscent of a gentler version of Tatiana, which he found immensely endearing.

Victor playfully pretended to be surprised by Vasily's statement, teasingly confronting the child, "Is Uncle Maxim really your favorite uncle, Vasi? Didn't you say on Christmas that I held the big title?" Caught between the playful banter of the two brothers, Vasily sought refuge in Victor's embrace and whispered in his ear, "You are Uncle Vic, but it's Uncle Maxim's birthday. Mama said that you have to say nice things on someone's birthday." Despite the child's attempt at discretion, his words resonated with everyone present.

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