Chapter 106: Blood is thicker?

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The morning of Christmas Eve unfolded with a tangible tension permeating every corner of the Romanov household. Maximilian, resolute in his decision to confront Victor personally and disclose the truth before Yelena could sow any further discord, found himself grappling with a myriad of conflicting emotions. Despite Victor being his half-brother, he occupied a pivotal place in Maximilian's familial landscape, cherished as one of the most significant figures in his life.

The previous evening had seen Maximilian engage in a heated exchange with his grandfather after dinner, seeking confirmation regarding his suspicions. The conversation had escalated rapidly, with Maximilian staunchly advocating for both himself and Victor to be privy to the truth, while their grandfather, equally steadfast, argued that divulging such information risked fracturing the cherished bond shared by the brothers during their formative years. Though the elder Belitsky had reassured Maximilian of his unwavering love for his younger brother, the impassioned disagreement had culminated in Maxim storming off in a surge of frustration and indignation.

As the sun rose on the morning of reckoning, the atmosphere within the household was fraught with palpable apprehension. Konstantin, his countenance etched with worry, fretted over the potential fallout of his elder grandson's impending revelation, apprehensive of the impact it might have on the delicate equilibrium of their familial dynamics. Meanwhile, Maximilian found himself contending with a turbulent sea of emotions: simmering anger at the truth itself, notwithstanding its role in fostering a deeper connection with his brother; gnawing apprehension regarding Victor's probable reaction; a lingering sense of guilt for the acerbic words exchanged with his grandfather the previous night; and a faint undercurrent of trepidation stemming from his estrangement with Seher, who had voiced her disapproval and retreated into silence until he made amends.

Amidst this backdrop of emotional turmoil, Seher assumed the role of silent observer, her gaze flitting between Maximilian and Konstantin as they navigated the fraught terrain of impending disclosure. Meanwhile, Victor, seemingly oblivious to the weighty undercurrents swirling around him, directed his focus towards the sumptuous spread laid out before him, relishing the tantalizing aroma of the cheelas prepared by Seher, accompanied by an assortment of flavorful sauces and chutneys that adorned the breakfast table.

Maximilian paused, momentarily lost in thought, before a gentle voice interrupted his reverie. "Maxi," came the sweet voice from beside him. He turned to see Meher, her face radiant with innocence and joy, seated beside him at the table. A smile tugged at his lips as he reached for the pink sauce, adding it to her plate adorned with a pink cheela. The color pink had proven invaluable in managing Meher's anemia; the incorporation of beetroot and red carrots into her meals not only imbued everything with hues of peach and pink but also contributed to addressing her condition.

Observing Meher's enthusiastic enjoyment of her meal, Maximilian marveled at her unfaltering appetite. Unlike many children who often pose challenges for their parents at mealtimes, his blessing exhibited a remarkable eagerness for food, relishing various cuisines with discerning taste. At such a tender age, she already displayed a clear preference for certain flavors and textures, articulating her culinary preferences with surprising precision. Though her choices were often straightforward and uncomplicated, Maximilian couldn't help but admire her innate culinary discernment.

Moreover, her culinary adventurousness extended beyond familiar fare, as evidenced by her appreciation for Russian delicacies such as the honey cake, a treat she frequently requested and relished with gusto. Unlike Vincenzo, who often resorted to playful tactics or emotional manipulation to coax Maximilian into cooking for him, the prospect of preparing meals for Meher filled Maximilian with unbridled joy and satisfaction, a sentiment he gladly embraced even when her requests were unexpected or unsolicited.

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