Chapter 63: Little Treats

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Hello, Seher.
I'd love for you to inform my little blessing that I too miss her a lot and plan to visit her very soon.
I am glad for our shared understanding regarding your compensation, and I want to emphasize that I would never want you to accept defeat in life.
Yesterday's lunch was absolutely delightful, and despite my initial reluctance, I found myself sharing a portion with my brat of a brother, who has become a fan of your cooking as well. I sincerely hope he doesn't make a habit of sharing my lunch, as I am rather possessive of my things, including my chef and her culinary creations.
Eagerly looking forward to the delectable dish you have in store for me today.

As Seher finished reading Maximilian's note, a soft laugh escaped her. The way he described his brother, sharing food and the apparent displeasure, made him sound like a petulant child, which brought a smile to her face. Despite her attempts to learn more about him online, she only knew his name. Tomorrow, she resolved, she would inquire about him in her next note. Perhaps she could also ask his driver tomorrow, at least for his full name, to unravel the mystery a bit more.

The words lingered in Seher's mind, especially when he mentioned being possessive of his chef. She felt a warmth on her face as she read those lines, a reaction she quickly dismissed, realizing she was thinking about a man she had never seen. However, his assurance to come see Meher soon gave her a glimmer of hope that, this time, she might get a chance to finally meet him when he visits. Uncertain about what she wanted to say, she simply longed to catch a glimpse of the person she had been exchanging notes with and cooking for over the past four days.

Having already sent Maximilian's lunch for the day, Seher felt confident that it had reached him. However, upon learning that his brother also enjoyed her cooking, she made a decision. From the next day onwards, she resolved to include a little extra for him as well.

"Good afternoon, sir. Your lunch," said George as he entered Maximilian's cabin, the next day. Maximilian expressed gratitude and reached for the bag, finding his table already cleared for the meal. George lingered for a moment, catching Maximilian's attention, who raised an eyebrow.

George informed, "Sir, the chef asked me for your full name today. She mentioned your first name is Maximilian and inquired about your last name." Maximilian, maintaining nonchalance, questioned, "And what did you say?"

George replied, "I told her it's Romanov, sir. Did you want me to tell her Belitski?" Maximilian asked pointedly, "What is my name, George?" Confused, George asked, "Sorry, Sir?" Maximilian reiterated, "What is my full name, George?"

"It's Maximilian Andrei Romanov, Sir," George answered, still confused. Maximilian emphasized, "Exactly. So why would you tell her Belitski? It is not my name, right?" George acknowledged his mistake, "Yes, Sir, but...", George stuttered but when he saw his boss'sexpression, he relented, "It was silly of me to question it. It's Romanov. Okay, Sir, I'll take your leave." George conceded, "All right. Thank you, George," Maximilian concluded.

As the door closed, Maximilian sighed, realizing he had messed up. He had shared his first name with Meher, but he couldn't bring himself to reveal his middle name, Andrei. Keeping it private, he preferred Meher and Seher to address him as Maximilian, and he appreciated it when Seher started her notes that way. He contemplated what nickname Meher would have given him if he had shared "Andrei" as his name. Imagining Maximilian becoming Maxi, he shuddered at the thought of "Andrei" transforming into "Andy." The idea of anyone calling him Andy was almost unbearable, yet he acknowledged that if Meher, with her big green eyes, had even asked him to adopt it as his damn legal name, he would have reluctantly agreed. Chuckling to himself, he recognized how both the daughter and now the mother had completely taken over his thoughts.

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