Chapter 90: Oh! My God

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As Maximilian guided his car towards the entrance of his beloved residence, a place that went beyond the confines of a city penthouse, the magnitude of emotions swelled within him. This was his true abode, a haven that had its roots in his dreams from the age of 22. The vision, meticulously planned and executed over five years, had weathered the storms of financial fluctuations and the constraints of time.

This home, whose foundational structure was laid out with care, had undergone a gradual transformation. The following two years were dedicated to the intricate process of furnishing, sculpting it into the inviting haven that now stood as the shared space of Victor and Maximilian. However, there lingered a sense of anticipation, a hope for an addition that would bring vivacity and warmth-beautiful girls, his beautiful girls. Maximilian recognized that, despite the inherent homeliness, his residence yearned for more. It craved the radiance of Seher's yellow and the vibrancy of Meher's purple. While the latter was already a part of the dwelling, courtesy of Maximilian's surprise, the former awaited its arrival, promising to infuse the home with the hues of sunshine and joy.

As Maximilian confidently entered the security code and authenticated his entry with a thumbprint swipe, Seher couldn't help but gasp as the immense black gates, towering at a formidable 10 feet, glided open gracefully. These gates, a silent guardian to the realm within, concealed the wonders that awaited beyond their imposing structure.

Beyond those gates lay a domain that felt like a portal into another world, a world that spoke of beauty and majesty. The word 'majestic' echoed in Seher's mind as her eyes took in the splendor of Maximilian's residence. Had she not known Maximilian and witnessed his home previously, she might have conjured an image of a man exactly like him as the rightful owner. The home was a testament to his personality, a manifestation of his taste and style.

The dwelling, adorned in dark grey with ceilings dipped in black, presented itself with an air of sophistication. Even from a distance, Seher could discern the large windows adorning the front façade. The approach was a slow drive along a lengthy driveway, the anticipation building with every passing moment.

As they traversed the path, Seher's ears were filled with the delightful sounds of Meher's excited blabbering. The little one couldn't contain her enthusiasm, comparing the residence to a black castle. Seher's gasp escaped her when Maximilian gently corrected Meher, explaining that it wasn't a castle but a home. A castle, he reasoned, needed a princess, and now, with Meher's presence, it had indeed transformed into a castle. Maximilian's words had a magical quality that made Seher swoon every time.

Her gaze remained fixated on the approaching house, a grand structure she had not witnessed often, perhaps only Daniel's picturesque abode rivaled it. Daniel's residence, with its red stone brick architecture and whites, would have found a place in an architecture magazine. However, the home that unraveled before Seher's eyes was a breathtaking spectacle of grey and black, accentuated by expansive gardens that added to its allure. The anticipation of exploring this marvel heightened as they drew closer.

The expansive gardens surrounding the residence added another layer of enchantment to the already mesmerizing sight. Acres and acres of vibrant green sprawled in a breathtaking contrast to the dark grey and black structure nestled within. It was a harmonious blend of urban sophistication meeting the raw beauty of nature, a delightful intersection where man met forest.

As Maximilian brought the car to a stop a few steps away from the entrance, the magical ambiance continued. Stepping out of the vehicle, he adhered to the routine, opening Meher's door first. It was a well-known fact that his little blessing was always eager to explore new places. Lowering her gently onto the garden beside the driveway, he instructed her to stay put before turning towards Seher.

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