Chapter 60: Curiosity killed the Assistant

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Ethan drove towards the office, his phone connecting to his car, the call ringing through the speakers. Accepting it with the green button, his boss's gruff voice came through.

"ETA?" inquired the voice. "Five minutes to the office, eight to your cabin, Sir," replied Ethan. The gruff voice hummed, followed by another question, "How did the check on the technology company come through?"

"It came clean, sir. I know you suspect fast success could indicate foul play, but there is none. The CEO is the founder, with a degree in CSE, and he built it from the ground up. The check is clear, so we are good to go. After the check, I also contacted Mr. Simpsons, your lawyer. He'll be there tomorrow at 2 to discuss the details of the merger. Once the schedules align, I'll contact Mr. Mitchell and set up a final meeting."

"Alright," said his boss. "What's the status on my lunch, Ethan?"

"I'll be there in four minutes, sir," replied Ethan Carrigan as the call hung up. It was a rare occurrence in the six years Ethan had been with his boss for him to hang up first. Typically, it was the other way around.

As Ethan pondered his boss, memories of their first meeting flooded back - him being a young student in the third semester of his Bachelors in Business Administration degree. Mr. Romanov was scheduled to give a lecture at a business symposium at their university, but he had canceled last minute, earning the reputation of being arrogant among the students.

Despite the cancellation, Ethan had always been intrigued by Labyrinth. With limited information available online, he delved into everything he could find, trying to unravel how a non-American could come to America and establish a chain of hotels in just over a decade. He knew that his boss had initiated his first bed and breakfast in Texas, assisted by his grandfather, when he was a mere 19 years old.

Working part-time and completing a BBA degree himself through a basic college in Texas, Ethan marveled at how someone with no substantial background and a basic education could build such an immense company. It remained an inspirational story for him.

Ethan's deep fascination with his boss's success, particularly his work ethics, led him to immerse himself in learning more. Aware of the Romanov brothers' disdain for paparazzi and privacy invasion, obtaining personal information about the CEO proved to be a challenging task for Ethan.

One day, when Ethan stumbled upon a job opportunity for an executive assistant to the CEO, Mr. Romanov, specifically seeking MBA graduates, he eagerly seized the chance. Despite being just a bachelor's student, he knew the odds were against him. Undeterred, Ethan prepared relentlessly for the interview, dressing impeccably for the occasion, marking his first meeting with Mr. Romanov.

During document verification on the day of the interview, he faced rejection, given the CEO's preference for MBA graduates, while Ethan himself was not even a college graduate. Unyielding, he declared his determination to stay put until given a fair shot at an interview. Ethan asserted that if he failed the interview, he would move away, but until granted a chance, he would not budge.

During the initial selection round, the committee instructed security to remove Ethan, leading to a commotion. Fortunately, Ethan's stroke of luck came when the CFO, Mr. Romanov's younger brother, intervened just as he was being manhandled. The younger Romanov talked to Ethan, possibly recognizing potential in him. Skipping the usual interview rounds, he escorted Ethan directly to his brother's cabin. The subsequent three hours proved to be the most challenging in Ethan's life as both brothers grilled him extensively. They covered every business question, case study, and scenario, assigning tasks ranging from coffee runs to report typing. While he didn't excel in every task, Ethan passed most of them. Despite failing a few, such as getting the boss's coffee wrong, he found solace in knowing he gave it his best shot.

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